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I am back!!!! Bring on the planting season!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:53 pm

Hello all Stewies! I am back! It is time to start the spring planting. Today is the day, yes Valentines Day to start my seeds. I am starting 3 trays of tomato seeds today. I am still looking for a few varieties that I love but haven't seen any seeds for them yet. I will find them!

I have been fairly busy since the end of the garden. In November I started selling Lia Sophia jewelry. I go to peoples homes and give AWESOME parties. If I am lucky I will build up my business this spring and summer and won't have to drive school bus anymore. So here is to hoping. If I don't have to drive bus anymore that means being able to spend more time my gardens! YEAH!

My mother in law and father in law arrived her eon December 5th and are permanent residents of the states now. They come from England. Been busy getting them all settled. My mother in law is taking her driving road test in a few weeks and then will be out to look for work.

Logan is in 1st grade and is doing very very well. He loves school.

This is one of many blogs to come. So much to document now that I am start my plants. Yeah! MANY MANY pictures to come as well!

I hope everyone out in STEWLAND is well!

Let spring come on in!


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desertflower wrote on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:49 pm:

Welcome back. Good luck with your jewelry business. I hope it takes off for you and you can have more time for gardening! Best of luck to your in laws and their new adventure.


gardengater wrote on Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:04 pm:

You go, girl! Glad to hear about your new career and that Logan is doing so well.
Welcome back.


glendann wrote on Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:46 pm:

I'm glad to see you back .We have been wondering about you.I use to sell jewelry for Sarah Coventry and then Park Lane I did really good.I do hope you do too.I can't wait for your babies to come up.
I hope your in-laws get all settled in.It will be good to see your Logan's smiling face again.


Droopy wrote on Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:06 pm:

Good to see you. I've missed you. *hugs*


Sjoerd wrote on Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:25 pm:

How nice to see you again. I have missed you.

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