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Day Four of planting and seedings are starting to emerge.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:56 pm

Good day all. I have been anxiously awaiting this day. Something is growing! I have 3 seedlings that have emerged from the peat pellet. It just makes me day a bit brighter and this part of winter less hard to deal with.

(day 4 at 4:30 pm 3 seedlings have emerged!!!)

This winter has been harder on me for some reason. Maybe the lack of snow has something to do with it. The snow we have now is hard as ice from rain we got a few weeks ago. Too dangerous to sled on, can't make anything with it and it is now all dingy and dirty.

When the seedling emerge it reminds me that it is almost over..winter will soon be leaving us and Spring coming back. I can't wait until day light savings time starts in a few weeks. Light longer at night is sooo needed. Once that happens we can go out for walks after dinner and when the yard melts we can play ball after dinner again. I am so looking forward to that again.

This year we are all getting bikes and will be biking on the snowmobile trails on our road. That will be great.

Hope everyone is well out there is stew land.

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Sjoerd wrote on Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:06 am:

Congrats on that seedling, G'mamma. What a great feeling it is to see that, eh? You must be well chuffed.
It may not look like it in many places, but I am solidly convinced that spring is on it's way.


daisybeans wrote on Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:04 am:

What cha got planted in the peat pellets?


gardenmama wrote on Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:04 am:

Daisy I have planted tomatoes not sure which are coming up yet but will check today when I mist them.


glendann wrote on Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:42 am:

I didn't plant anything this past spring.I really missed having little seedlings growing.I hope next year is a lot better this year.

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