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Everything is finally planted...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:59 pm

This morning my son and I went out to the veggie patch and did a bit of weeding. I took the floating row covers off the cantaloupe and watermelon. They have tripled their size from 3 weeks ago and have flowers on them. I feel that we will get melons this year.

After uncovering the melons we weeded and fertilized.

I talked to the lady at the veggie shack up the road and she said it was okay to put in my cukes. So I put in the 10 plants that I had started from seed. I also put in some seeds.

I adjusted some of the tom plants and made a few more trellises. The toms are looking very good. They have gotten also more vibrant and have grown a few inches in the past week. everything is doing very well in the tire planters.

The weather has been very interesting the past few days...nice sunny skies then intense thunderstorms. We got out there this morning before the black flies and mosquitos got too bad. So far today no storms but PM thunderstorms are predicted.

I hope everyone is enjoying their gardens and have a nice day/night.

I will post more pics in a few days.

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Droopy wrote on Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:34 pm:

Well done so far, I'm looking forward to seeing the progress out there.


Sjoerd wrote on Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:40 pm:

Well, it sounds like it's all going pretty good there. Melons are such a delight, I grew some once and was thrilled with the one or two that I was able to harvest. This country is just not the sort of country to grow them in--it's way too wet and cool.
You are going to have a bundle of cues if those bushes even do half of what they are supposed to. chuckle.
I'm glad to hear that the toms are chugging along right on schedule.
Keep up the good work.


glendann wrote on Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:44 am:

It sounds like your veggies will be great.Your cukes should really take off .
My melon plants has lots of melons but the heat is so bad they are burning up .I got them planted late as they should be ready to harvest by now.They are not big enough yet.
My corn is burned up but I did pick the peas today.
I hope yours is great.


gardenmama wrote on Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:23 pm:

Sorry to hear about your corn glendann. Is it too late to replant where you live? I Used inexpensive floating row covers over the melons. It keeps them warm but not too hot and moisture in. I got them at the local garden center. Hopefully it will keep the melons happy and will grown. I noticed this morning a tiny cantaloupe!


gardengater wrote on Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:19 pm:

Hurray for your garden, though any loss is sad. I don't have room for corn, I hope you can plant again. Fresh peas are sooo good.


gardenmama wrote on Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:36 pm:

I never plant corn. It don't have the room for the amount of corn I eat in the summer i would have to plant a whole field of it! I love grilled, boiled, raw and in soups. I love homemade corn chowder.

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