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Preparing for Hurricane Irene
Posted: 28 Aug 2011 Posted: 20 Aug 2011 Posted: 20 Aug 2011 Posted: 08 Aug 2011 Posted: 07 Aug 2011 All Entries |
Tin Man reporting to DUTY!The greatest thing about having the tire garden is that the day to day maintenance is reduced. The past 2 years I would have had to spend HOURS weeding the old garden patch. But now with the use of the black plastic and recycled tires I have only a few minutes of weeding and that allows me to spend more time doing other projects. For instance.....Fixing my biggest tin man who was damaged in the big storm nearly 2 weeks ago. Here is my tin man back on duty. This time not in the veggie patch but over looking the perennial gardens that were invaded by deer a few nights ago. Hopefully he will scare off any more invaders. ![]() I spent about an hour Saturday morning weeding, fertilizing and putting up a rope fence about the veggie patch. I picked up some tin cake pans, cut them a bit to flatten them and hung them around the fence. Hopefully this will act as a deterrent to any deer that wants to feed upon my veggie plants. Our neighbor Jimmy has a Shepard and I hope that the smell of him and his urine will also help keep the deer away from this part of the yard. Here is one of my other Tin men with the new pie plate deterrents. My little helper Logan says they are shiny flowers. ![]() We had a very busy Saturday. My mother picked up my 5 year old nephew and my son Logan and she took them on a train journey. They went on a 2 hour train trip just north of here. There was a fiddler on the train. The boys had a great time. Here is my son blowing his train whistle while the fiddle player plays behind him. Logan LOVES trains! ![]() My brother and his family came over for a little family party for my 14 year old niece. Her birthday is Wednesday. Everyone arrived at our house about 1 and stayed until about 7. It was a very busy day. This morning it was a bit dreary but I was able to get some pictures of the ever growing garden before the rains came. Here is my Princess Elizabeth Peony in bloom with my gardens guardian angel. ![]() This rambling rose was on the property when we bought the house so I don't know what it's true name is and even if I had planted it probably wouldn't recall so from now I am going to call it Bloody Mary. If you haven't figured it out I am an English history nut and my husband being English I have decided to name all my perennials after the english/british monarchs. I name this one Bloody Mary because she is so thorny that I give blood anytime I get near her. ![]() ![]() My morning glories are doing very well and with all the rain that we have had this week are growing fast. This is a bloom I found this morning. I can't wait to see these gorgeous blooms all over my arbor! ![]() As I walked around the front of the yard I looked closely at my Clematis. This is the first one that I planted 3 summers ago. It FINALLY has BUDS all over it! I can't wait to see this one bloom. I am sure it will soon as the SUN comes back and the rains leave. ![]() As I was taking these pictures it started to rain and has been raining for a few hours now. We lucked out on Saturday and even though thunderstorms were in the forecast they hit north and south of us and we had a beautifully sunny day. I also picked up some more hot peppers to put in the garden and a hanging basket to decorate the front entrance area of the house. I hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend. This blog entry has been viewed 388 times
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Your tin man is lovely, and I bet he's pleased with his new scenery. I'd have loved to be on that train with your boy, sounds like a good day out.
Love the tin man GardenMama, has he a name?
Logan says his name shall be Sir Rusty.
Logan knows what he's doing. Very fitting name. :) Login or register to leave a comment. |