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Lots of rain...leads to a happy, healthy garden.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:07 pm

Over the past 10 days to 2 weeks we have got a lot of rain. Not nearly as much rain that the mid west has got but more then normal for this time of year. The almanac had said expect a rainy spring but normally that means April and May not June.

We got a thunderstorm that last several hours last night. We didn't get damaging wind but the rain POUNDED down for hours. This morning Logan and I walked the yard and garden and to our SURPRISE nothing was damaged.I expected bent over tomato plants and destroyed peonies but everything looks wonderful and happy. Everything is so green and looks so healthy.

This is one of the Yellow Boys that I bought. I planted 6, 4 in tires and 2 in a large pot in the driveway. All off them have doubled their size and have flowers on them. I can't wait to have yellow tomatoes. They are so good.

The peas are starting to climb the pea fence. I planted them about a month later then normal. We hadn't set up the tires and needed to bring in the soil etc. Now that they are all set up I can plant them earlier next year. They seem to be doing great though. With all the rain and the slightly cooler then normal temps they are looking great! I hope they flower before it gets too hot and they fry in the sun.

The Kentucky wonder String Beans are really shooting up! They love this warm, humid wet weather. they have started climbing the strings of their trellis.

The zucchini really likes the miracle grow that I fed it Saturday. The plants look like they are trying to escape the tire stack that it is planted in!

I wasn't too optimistic about growing potatoes this year. I have never done it before and wasn't sure about the tire method. But I am changing my tune. They are growing very fast in this wet weather and are ready to have another tire put on top and covered with dirt. So that will be a weekend project.

The "accidental sunflowers" are growing fabulously since they were transplanted. Here is one that is over 3 feet tall already! I can't wait to see what it looks like when it blooms. These will all be surprises as to what type they are.

After walking around the veggie patch I took a stroll over to the perennial beds. good news, some of the hosta that were destroyed still have a few leaves and are popping up a flower. can't wait to take pictures of their good fortune. My Princess Elizabeth Peony was hiding a little surprise for me. A day lily has opened.

Logan and I paid our neighbor a visit this morning. He has some gorgeous lighter pink peonies and he had me cut some and bring them home. He knows I love flowers. Some days when the lilacs are blooming I will find bunches of them in my porch. He is such a nice man.

On Saturday I picked up a gorgeous hanging basket at my local plant shack. I love the color orange and this one will be covered with little black eyed susanne flowers soon!

Logan got a package from his Nannie B and granddad today. They live in Southport, England. Here here is to proud of his new clothes from his Nan.

I hope everyone had a good day and have been able to enjoy their gardens. Bye bye for now.

Last edited: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:07 pm

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Droopy wrote on Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:13 pm:

Nothing's as fresh-looking as a garden after a good rain. I'm glad things weren't destroyed for you. Your veggies and flowers seem very happy. Lucky you to have such a nice neighbour! Peonies are delightful, both outside and as cut flowers, even though I rarely manage to cut any. *lol* Only if rain's predicted for days on end.


gardengater wrote on Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:41 pm:

Your plants are coming gangbusters! You should have a bountiful harvest. I've never tried yellow tomatoes, but might do that next year. Again, love the peonies!


Biita wrote on Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:58 pm:

Oh wow!! Your garden looks fabulous. Everything is so healthy and just bursting there. Rain, such a wonderful thing until its time to go play! lol.

Well done!


cajunbelle wrote on Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:40 am:

Wow, everything looks wonderful. We are getting no rain and everything here is frying, flowers, fruit and veggies, too much to keep watered.

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