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Beginning of the Tire Garden.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:18 pm

The basic layout of the garden is done. With the plastic down and the tires put into place all I have to do now is decide which plants I want there. There will be an added stack of 4 tires though out the summer that will contain potatoes. I have read on serveral sites that we can get 25 lbs of potatoes in a stack of 4 tires. So I am goign to give it a try. I never did potatoes before becuase they take up so much room and are a lot of work. But I am told this method will produce. So I need to find 4 more tires for this.

Here is the tires that are set up with a trellis for the pole beans to grow up.


Here is the pea set up, trellis and tires.

This is the view of the entire area where the tire garden is set.

This is the guardian of my garden. I make tin men and women and place them throughout the garden and yard.

Well now that i have figured out how to add pictures I will be adding more every week. I will be posting pics of past years and show how the yard and garden has progressed.

Last edited: Tue May 27, 2008 10:31 pm

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xylona wrote on Tue May 27, 2008 10:39 pm:

Looks good. Keep us posted on how this goes. :)


tschnath wrote on Tue May 27, 2008 11:06 pm:

I have to say that is a different idea. I've never seen anyone use tires this way before. Have you done this in years past? Keep us posted how it works out. Happy growing!


tschnath wrote on Tue May 27, 2008 11:07 pm:

BTW...your little tin man is cute!


eileen wrote on Wed May 28, 2008 12:06 am:

I like the idea of those tyres. I'd definately be interested in the progress your plants make in them. Thanks for letting us see your photographs.


Frank wrote on Wed May 28, 2008 12:15 am:

Will look forward to updates gardenmama, best of luck! Love your tin man :) Do you "pre-rust" the tins or was he a sparkling silver originally?


Droopy wrote on Wed May 28, 2008 6:51 am:

Oooh, this looks exciting, I've never seen anybody grow anything in tires before. Your tin man is adorable too.


gardenmama wrote on Wed May 28, 2008 1:02 pm:

I have used tires in the past to grow my tomato plants in and they always do well. Tomatoes like it hot and the tires get super heated and radiate that heat well past when the sun goes down.

The tin man starts off nice and shiny. This is the 3rd summer for this particular tin woman...she is a bit rusty. But I think she is very cute and now her accessories and smile and hair show up better. I have a 4 foot tall one as well made with larger cans but he needs some work. His hat fell off last week and he needs some repairs.


Biita wrote on Wed May 28, 2008 3:39 pm:

This is a great idea! I love anything that is recycled, and you have done a wonderful job of doing just that. Both with the tires and the tin people...

Well done and please keep us posted and other great recycling projects you have done!


SongofJoy57 wrote on Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:41 pm:

My goodness . . . you make the Michelin man look bad . . . what a marvelous idea for gardening!!!

I love your tin man!!! You sure are creative!!!!

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