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Papa's Roses Opens....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:25 pm

I know I have said this before but 2 summers ago my Aunt Theresa cut out a piece of one of my Grandpa Tony's rose bushes and brought it up in Vermont. The Rose bush and its huge root ball was in a 5 gallon pail all tied up to a couple of rods to keep it from breaking. It made it up from CT and we transplanted it right away. We had 2 wait until the next spring to see if it would grow. It grew some vines and leaves...and it did the same the following summer...This summer we are FINALLY BLESSED with GORGEOUS bright pink roses. I nearly cried this afternoon when I went out and 2 roses were opened. These are off a rose bush that my grandfather planted for his sister when he bought the house my mother was raised in. I am not sure how old the bush is but I am sure it is over 50 years old. I love the idea of having a piece on him here in Vermont.

One of the hostas that wasn't eaten by the naughty, haughty deer last week has flowers on it. So I took a picture of this one today.

Logan came to the veggie patch me this afternoon to see how everything is doing. Even since 2 days ago everything has grown a lot! Here is Logan with my tallest sunflower plant.

The large tomato plant that I have in a patio pot is doing wonderfully. It had 4 tomatoes on it when we bought it and now every day I find another one. It has about 6 tiny toms on it and some larger ones!

Today was a gorgeous sunny day but it will be short lived the stormy, rainy weather is back tomorrow. All it took was 1 nice day to make the roses open.

Everyone have a good night.

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gardengater wrote on Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:56 pm:

Congratulations on your rose blooms. They're a beautiful color. The tomatoes are coming along too. Send some of your rainy weather to us - we need it.



gardenmama wrote on Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:59 pm:

Wishing you rainy weather...


eileen wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:01 am:

I'm so pleased to hear, and see, that your rose bush is finally flowering for you. What a lovely, bright shade of pink the blossoms are too. Thanks goodness the deer didn't eat everything in your garden as your hosta flowers are very pretty. Your smallest tomatoes are about the size mine are at the moment so I hope they'll all grow as big as the ones in your last 'photo soon.


cajunbelle wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:40 am:

What a lovely pink. I don't blame you for being proud to see your papa's rose open.


tschnath wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:49 am:

What a beautiful rose bush and so precious that it's part of the family. Congrats on the blooms there. You hosta and toms look good too!


glendann wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:18 am:

I'm so glad to see those beautiful blooms such a vivid bright color.I'm glad they finally bloomed for you and your hosta's are my favorite color.Your tomatos are coming along great also.

sharon mc wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:28 pm:

It's lovely to have plants with such personal connections.


Droopy wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:00 pm:

Lovely rose, I can understand how you feel about it. Heirloom plants are more fun. Your garden looks great!


petunia wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:17 pm:

thats one pretty rose. Your toms are ahead of ours here. your garden is lookin good.


gardenmama wrote on Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:20 pm:

Thanks everyone for your nice and supportive comments. Everyone is so friendly and nice.

Petunia...I bought one plant that is far ahead of the other tomato plants that I started so I can have tomatoes in July! i don't trust the toms in the stores. I was one of the many with the samonella poisoning from toms this spring and I don't want to risk it!

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