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A misty morning walk in the garden....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:42 pm

Before the weather takes a turn for the worse this weekend I wanted to check out the progress of the gardens.

I first walked through the perennial garden and found my White Rose opening. There are several buds on this one plant and the largest has started to open.

Walking around the front of the house I didn't expect to find anything blooming but I was surprised by my clematis.

I can't wait to see this plant then it will full of blooms. I have been waiting patiently for this clematis to bloom. I was told it was a vigorous grower but it took 3 summers for it really take off.

I was in the garden yesterday tying up some of the tomato plants and feeding but I didn't see any tomatoes but today there are several babies. They are on the Lemon Boy plants. There are also 4 on the lemon boys in the driveway pots.

The zucchini really are enjoying the weather. This one has really gotten massive the past few days. Here are the 2 pics I have taken this week to compare size.

June 24th


The blueberry bushed are LOADED with growing fruit. One of the bushes gets very large berries. Last year we didn't have a lot of berries but from what I have been told that every other year is a good harvest. I think this years will be a BUMPER CROP!

It is supposed to be a very wet weekend so I probably won't be getting out in the garden too much. I hope for some sun so that I can get the lawn mowed and some weeds removed.

I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend.

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gardengater wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:59 pm:

Your garden's looking so good, Grandmama. The blueberries should be yummy. Let me know what you do with your asparagus as far as feeding. I put general plant fertilizer on them. Do you know of a garden plant mulch that won't attract pests? That white rose is gorgeous.

Gardengater (Carol)

sharon mc wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:40 pm:

It's a good idea using the tyres with polythene underneath; is that to keep the weeds down? Everything looks really lush!


Droopy wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:50 pm:

Oh, to have blueberries like those in our yard! And just look at that dark colour of your clematis, fantastic. Your veggies must get lots of care judging by how they grow. Thanks for sharing.


eileen wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:51 pm:

I love the colour of your clematis and your white rose is very pretty.


glendann wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:52 pm:

Your plants are looking great Grandmama.


gardenmama wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:21 pm:

Gardengater...I only put compost on the asparagus so far. Asparagus grows wild all over this area so I don't think it needs any special care.

Sharonmc, I use the black plastic to keep the weeds down and it works great! It also gets really hot in the sun and aides in growing the tomatoes. They love it!


petunia wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:58 pm:

I been keeping blueberries in the back burner (so to speak). I have a small area I could put them, just don't know how well they'll do. These do grow up on a bush right??


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:57 pm:

What wonderful-looking pictures. That Clematis is a real jewel, isn't it? Such a vivid colour.
The toms and zuc's look very happy.
This was a good day.

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