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spending time in the garden before the rains come....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:28 pm

It was raining a bit this morning so I ran an errand to Walmart...even though milk was on my list I somehow forgot it and my English hubby needs milk for his tea...So off I went...I picked up the few things I needed and then saw that they have Japanese Beetle traps. I have noticed that the little buggers were starting to eat all the blackberry leaves, and this year I want to cut them off at the pass. I hung a trap near the berries and another near the garden. I HATE picking beans when the vines are covered with what I call "orgy" bugs. All they do is eat, mate and eat while they mate. AWFUL things..

Logan helped me collect my garden tools and off we went to the garden. Logan and I got on our hands and knees and picked weeds out of the watermelon and cantaloupes. They are looking very good and have some flowers. I put some soil on the vines to make a better root system and stronger plant. Logan was a big helper and put all the weeds in his wheelbarrow and brought them into the woods. After the weeding we both covered up the potatoes leaves. I had put another tire on them and we needed to cover them enough so that just a few inches of their greens showed. They are loving this weather so i expect we will have to put another tire on soon. My mechanic in town is dropping off more tires. i thought I had enough but i don't. So I stopped and asked. He is bringing up enough for the garden and to start a compost bin.

While I was weeding I got a nice surprise..a FLOWER! I can't believe it. Last year and the year before I didn't get flowers until August! I guess they really love this hot, humid, wet weather! and Starting them inside didn't hurt either!

I have flowers on one of the cherry tomato plants that i started from seed! YEAH!!! i can't wait to have these tiny yummies!

A few new blooms from around the yard...

I dug up these day lilies at my moms. She HATES them! but no matter how much we dig they keep coming back!

Here is another peony..I think I will call this one Princess Anne. It is a lighter pink.

We had a little visitor in the white tractor tire garden. My husband spotted this moth yesterday. We don't don't know if it had just hatched but it was having a hard time trying to fly. Anyone know what kind it is?

Well the rains finally came after 3 this afternoon. Nothing too intense just a steady rain. It does feel nice. It was light enough so that I could do some grilled chicken and ribs for dinner.

Have a good weekend everyone!

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Sjoerd wrote on Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:31 am:

Great that you had rain finally. Every little drop counts.
The flowers and veg are looking great. Lovely butterfly.


gardengater wrote on Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:47 am:

Happy that you have blossums.
Your flowers are beautiful.


Droopy wrote on Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:15 am:

Congratulations on rain, flowers, more tires and a lovely butterfly. I think this is a Black swallowtail, scientific name: Papilio polyxenes.

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