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My Little Helper is Under the Weather....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:50 pm

My little guy Logan has not been feeling himself the past few days. IT started with a little cough and sneezing. The cough got a lot worse yesterday and through the night. I didn't sleep much at all worried about him. He was coughing every few minutes. I called his primary care doc this morning and got him in for 9:30am. It isn't anything serious but it is a viral infection in his throat. He has swollen glands and a dry barking cough. She prescribed some Prednisone steroids and the use of steam. I picked up his script along with some Delsym and that seems to be working. We are at my moms right now and he has been napping for over an hour with out coughing. I hope he starts to feel better and gets some sleep tonight. We are supposed to go to Santas Workshop in Upstate NY tomorrow with my best friend and roommate from college. She has a little boy 2 years younger then Logan. As long as I control his cough I think we will be fine.

This weekend we will be away also. We are traveling to the Bennington, Vermont/Hooksic , NY area for my fathers side of the family reunion. It is at my uncles house. It sits high on a hill and is so gorgeous and peaceful. We will be tenting for 2 days. I hope the little guy is feeling better by then.

Hopefully after a full day of meds and some rest today he will be feeling more like himself. This is sickest he has ever been in all of his 5 years. I kept him home and out of daycare and now that he is in preschool/kindergarten he is getting bombarded with all sorts of germs that he isn't used to. I feel bad for my little guy.

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Droopy wrote on Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:19 pm:

Speedy recovery to Logan. It's hard for us mothers when the little ones are unwell, especially if we're not used to it. I'm glad his medication is helping.

nanniebea wrote on Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:28 pm:

I wish I could be there to give my little sweetiepie Logan a big hug from his Nannie Bea in England.We feel so helpless over here when something like this happens.Give him a big kiss from his Nan and Grandad


toni wrote on Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:01 pm:

Oh, hope little Logan is feeling better quickly.

Take care of yourself and hubby too, the little ones are not the only ones who start catching every germ around when they start daycare or school.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:14 pm:

Ahhh...Sorry to hear about the little fellow's viral infection. It sounds like he's on the right track though. It must have been sorta bad for him to get Prednisone.
What is that "Delsym", BTW? I've never heard of that. Is it one of those dextromethorphan concotions that they make for cough suppression?
Oh well...I hope that he begins recovering soon and is out of the infectous stage by the time he travels with your friend's child.
Have a good time there and come back with all sorts of stories to tell us.


gardengater wrote on Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:27 pm:

Here's hoping Logan gets better real fast. These little guys bounce back, unfortunately the germs have to run their course. I have 10 grandkids and one or the other brings home a bug from school. Have a good trip!!


kuntrygal wrote on Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:53 pm:

Hope Logan gets to feeling much better. And be sure and take and show us pics of your time in Vermont. I am so jealous. Have always wanted to go there! Have a wonderful time.


Netty wrote on Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:15 am:

Hope Logan feels better. I always feel so helpless when my kids are sick.


glendann wrote on Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:44 am:

I hope Logan is better as my Logan is under the weather too.He is having trouble keeping anything down from both ends.

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