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Starting to feel better....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:35 pm

My little garden helper Logan is starting to feel better. During the day he is full on energy and has a mild cough but at bed time he is still having coughing fits. the Doc says this is normal, however I am not used to getting 4 hours a sleep a night.

On Tuesday, Logan was feeling better so we met up with my college roommate, her 3 years old son, mother and her nephew and went to Whiteface, NY to go to Santa's Workshop. It is the oldest amusement park in the USA. It is tucked up in the mountains. there are rides, gift shops, reindeer and plenty for the kids to do. Logan had a very good time. We took the ferry from VT to NY. He loved that too. So did the adults. it was less then a 20 minute ride, but very good.. I had never been on a ferry with cars before. It was a long day. We left at 7am and were home at 8pm. It was a really nice time with a good friend.

I mowed the lawn this morning and tonight we walked around the garden. It needed some water. Everything is growing like crazy. I have flowers about 1/2 of the 49 tomato plants and they have doubled in size this week. I just gave them "haircuts" and tied them up on the weekend and they need it again already. The cukes are looking very good and there are now several flowers. It is so nice to see hard work start to pay off.

I will be posting pics of our trip to Santas Workshop soon. Being sleep deprived has zapped me and I am taking longer to get things done.

everyone have a good night.


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glendann wrote on Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:40 pm:

Its good to hear your Logan is better .I'm glad he wasn't to sick to enjoy his outing.I know that was so much fun.


Biita wrote on Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:10 am:

Ahhh sorry to hear he was sick. but glad he's getting better, and enjoyed his trip to Santa's work shop. Lets keep him getting better everyday so he can be back out there helping his mommy. get well soon Logan!


Droopy wrote on Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:39 am:

Sounds like a lovely day out! I hope the little chap is getting better daily (erh.. nightly?), and that you will get to catch up on your sleep soon.

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