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Lots of babies in the garden...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:26 pm

Walking through the garden last night we came upon several babies...zucchinis and watermelon! I love baby zucchini. i am going to give it a few days and grill it!

Starting the watermelon indoors definately helps. I have 3 babies on the vines already!

The accidental sunflower has grown about 3 feet in the last week or so. it is now over 7 feet tall!

Logan got another package from his Nannie Bea. Here he is in the outfit he will be wearing for his 5th bday in a few weeks.

The weekend (if weather permits) I will be putting epsom salts on the tomatoes and peppers. I also picked up seashell compost and poultry manure for feeding the garden. I have heard asparagus love it!

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gardengater wrote on Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:50 pm:

Good start Gardenmama;
I like zucchini little too. Good start and let me know how the asparagus like the chicken stuff!
Cute little guy - did he come with the garden?



Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:39 pm:

These are encouraging fotos of the courgette and watermelon. They';re starting now.
That sunflower is a giant...I guess he'll grow several feet more before he stops.


Droopy wrote on Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:33 am:

I liked the last "plant" best. :D Wishing you good growing weather. It's hard to believe that the little, green thing is going to be a big water melon!


Palm Tree wrote on Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:34 pm:

What an adorable plant in the last photo. I also love courgettes and watermelons. I do believe that my mouth is watering.

Nannie Bea is quite the costume maker - I love that T-shirt

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