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Wooden toys

Category: My husbands wooden creations. | Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:49 pm

My husband is very modest and doesn't think that his wooden toys are anything special. After he moved here from England, we got married and our son was born; Michael began working at a Copeland Furniture Co. in Bradford, VT. Before he began working for the furniture company he had never worked with wood before. Since he started working for Copeland he has made many things for me and the house. Spice racks, plate racks, bookcases, little tables for kids, a headboard...the list goes on and on.

Recently he has really gotten into making wooden toys. I love classic wooden toys. Here are pictures of his latest wooden toys.

I asked my honey to make me a can crusher to make crushing my recyclables easier....

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glendann wrote on Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:00 pm:

He is so very good ay his wood making .Wonderful toys.


eileen wrote on Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:44 am:

Wooden toys are becoming really popular again these days and Michael has definately got a real talent for making them. My children loved their wooden toys and bricks when they were younger. Even today some of them still survive!! I think your husband should try selling his toys as they command a good price in the shops.
His can crusher is a great idea and would be very useful for people who have dexterity problems due to arthritis. I know that I would be delighted to own one myself.


kuntrygal wrote on Sun Jul 13, 2008 1:25 am:

Michael should be very proud of his handy work. Those are very good and cute. My grandfather use to make wooden toys and give them to under privledged children at Christmas (not suggesting that for Michael) that would otherwise not get anything.


dooley wrote on Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:13 am:

I really like them. They look great. You can both be proud of them. dooley


Droopy wrote on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:58 am:

His wooden toys are really something special, please tell him! I like the can crusher, very handy.


petunia wrote on Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:34 pm:

your husband is very talented. It nice when they can do this sort of thing. My hubby has made a bead box to holds beads, and a car box to hold litle toy cars. recently now he carves canes. Maybe he and my hubby should exchange pictures. Thanks for showing us these picts, your husband does very nice work.


ophelia wrote on Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:17 pm:

Wow, he is very modest isn't he? They are impressive toys and the level of detail certainly highlights his craftsmanship, skill and patience. I agree with Eileen, there's definitely a market for wooden toys of this quality.

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