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Its been a blooming and booming summer...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:52 pm

I have to say that this is the best garden that I have ever done. It is growing so nice and everything is so healthy. Walking through it tonight I am amazed at the progress of all the plants. Last year I didn't get a single sweet bell pepper on 12 plants and tonight I found 4 baby bells on 1! I am shocked. Until today I thought the only tomato plants that had toms on them were the few plants that I bought, but I have ROMA's on a plant that I started from seed. Every single one of the 35 plants that I started have flowers on them and are so healthy. I can't put it in words on how happy this makes me.

After watering the garden, and feeding my new tire compost pit we picked nearly a QUART of raspberries! I am freezing these for enjoyment in the winter months. We will probably get another quart tomorrow.

By the weekend I will be picking another at a time off that one plant right now...soon be canning and freezing all the time! Hopefully by next weekend I will be picking a bunch of cherry toms that are starting to turn. Just in time for my son's 5th bday party.

Lots of blooms in the yard today..the second sunflower has the large top bloom on it, I can't wait until it has blooms all up and down the pain stalk. This will be gorgeous!

This is some fabulous bee balm that grows wild near my raspberries. this is more red then the darker pink that i planted.

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gardengater wrote on Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:11 am:

You must be so happy at all those beautiful berries. That would be a perfect mid-winter snack. What are those pink lilies? very pretty.



Sjoerd wrote on Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:48 am:

Well G'mama, congrats are well in order. I'm thrilled about your toms. That's a great success rate. You should get loads and loads of tomatos this season.

Well, the flowers are not bad either. ;)
It's nice to see them posted, looking so cheerful. That bee balm is a nice looking flower. Do they exist in purple as well? it looks so familiar.
Those raspberries look terrific...and SO TASTY!
Well done, you.


glendann wrote on Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:53 am:

gardenmama you have really got everything growing on.It always feels so good to see things growing so great.

sharon mc wrote on Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:05 am:

Everything is looking good in your garden; fantastic when it all works out! Well Done!

nanniebea wrote on Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:38 pm:

I'm sure I recognize that little hand in the pic with the raspberry. I bet its my little sweetiepie Logan helping his mum again in the garden.Lots of hugs and kisses to him.XXXXX


kuntrygal wrote on Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:19 pm:

Michele everything looks so good. So happy for you that things are blooming and booming!

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