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Preparing for Hurricane Irene
Posted: 28 Aug 2011 Posted: 20 Aug 2011 Posted: 20 Aug 2011 Posted: 08 Aug 2011 Posted: 07 Aug 2011 All Entries |
Between the rain drops...We had such a beautiful week here in Vermont. Monday through Thursday were gorgeous days. the sun shown bright and it was in the low 80's. I have started doing a little bit of summer bus driving. My daily trip is to pick up about 20 people at a nearby Elementary summer program and bring them to a local lake for swim lessons. So Logan and i get to eat our lunch at the beach and get about an hour of swim. It is nice. Logan gets to exercise and make new friends. He is really enjoying it. On Friday the weather started to turn for the unpredictable. After lunch my honey michael, Logan and I went out to get some chores done. Michael headed to his woodshop shed and I headed for the garden. As soon as I started to pull the weeds in the melons you could hear the low rumble of thunder far off. I HATE thunder but knew I had to get the weeds out and the tomato plants needed a hair cut and more ties. So i stuck it out and moved through all the plants. I can't believe how much the plants grew since last weekend. I took a massive pile of leaves off that plants. I did however find several toms that I had to pull off and throw aside. They have bottom rot. I guess all the wet, hot weather has it benefits and its downfalls. But over all most of the toms are growing just fine. Here are a few pictures of what was happening in the garden on Friday. I was able to weed out the melons and lay there vines in better directions. This picture was taken before I got to move the vines a bit. ![]() Cherry tomatoes growing and turning: ![]() ![]() While working through all the tomato plants the thunder got closer and closer. The sky turned a bit dark and the storms got closer. I got all the tom plants done and managed to weed out the peppers as well. I have 11 SWEET BELLS growing! I also found 6 tiny cukes out there hiding under the leaves. I planted some of the cuke plants amongst the tomato tires. There are cukes in there! I can't wait to have some fresh cukes and peppers! YIPPEE! My husband was wondering about and found 1 lonely poppy in the perennial garden. He doesn't really remember where he spread all the poppy seeds. But one made it here. ![]() ![]() While in the perennials I took this picture of a clematis. ![]() This is the 3rd ripening tomato. I have since picked it and brought it inside. I haven't eaten it ...YET! ![]() At about 5pm the rain started and it came down HARD. I got a phone call from my mom shortly after that. They got hit hard by a severe storm. She lives about 50 minutes south from us. She said it rained so hard you couldn't see out of the windows. She had left the back bedroom window open, and it sits above a bed and by the time she got in to close it everything was soaked. She got hail the size of marbles! When the rain stopped she went out and took pictures of the hail. She lost power for 5 hours. tree branches were down and a tree across the road from her was totally uprooted. ![]() ![]() I got some pictures of the rain coming down. We didn't get the heavy winds here and there wasn't any damage. WE just got hard rain off and on all night. ![]() The rain pours out the gutter... ![]() and lands on the granite water way my hubby built in the rock garden. The water then goes down the driveway. ![]() After the heavy rain let up a bit I went out to look for rainbows. Here is a picture of a faint one i saw over the house down the street. You can see it just over the silver roof. ![]() The weather the rest of the weekend has been very hot and humid. On Saturday I spent most of the day indoors getting inside stuff done. The humidity really wipes me out and I chose to stay in. It rained on and off. Logan spent the day in the workshop with Michael making another wooden toy. I will be posting that in the other blog with his wooden creation. We woke up today to light rain so it is laundry day. I also have a lot of cleaning up to do. We are having Logan's 5th bday party next weekend and my aunt from Ct is coming up as well as my mom and my brother's family of 5. It is a sleep over party. We are heading to the local lake for a lunch time cookout and swimming. Afterwards we are all coming back here for pizza and pasta, cakes etc. We will be pitching tents in the yard and sleeping out. And of course there will be S'mores after dusk. I hope everyone is having a good weekend , where ever you are in the world. This blog entry has been viewed 384 times
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You have really had a week of changing weather.I'm glad your mom is ok.I don't like thunder and lightning either.
Love the clematis, beautiful color. Michele you sound like a writer and if you aren't you should be. The party sounds like a blast. Hope you have good weather for it and they a good time will be had by all. An early Happy Birthday to Logan!!!
What a bad storm! I can tell you that I don't need any of that hail here--that would really be disasterous.
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