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Peppers, cukes, zucchinis oh MY!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:58 pm

Even though the sky was gray and the moisture just hang in the air, my husband and I walked through out the garden last night. Our little helper was too hot and needed a rest so he was sleeping on the couch. My hubby and I started in the perennial garden. To our surprise and delight the garden was full of honey bees. They were flying from the bee balm to the roses to the latrias and into the hosta flowers. I was very excited to see that several of my glads have finally gotten the flower shoot and I will have gorgeous glads soon!

Phlox is blooming

another yellow rose

Lots of bee balm

Once we got in the garden it was determined that I will be thinning out the pumpkin vines this weekend. They are taking over the smaller garden space this year and it is getting a bit overwhelming. they are starting to climb up some of the tomato plants.

I found lots of baby veg today...



Yellow Pear Tomatoes

Grape Tomatoes

New Cucumber

I counted over 17 sweet peppers growing! Just a few more weeks and they should be big enough!

These will probably be that last picks of the garden we will have for a few days...the rains are coming and the next 2 days are supposed to be very rainy.

Last edited: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:59 pm

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toni wrote on Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:33 pm:

What a great stroll thru your beautiful garden, thanks. The vegies are looking good.

The close-up of the yellow rose is stunning.


gardengater wrote on Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:35 pm:

Pretty and pretty tasty, I'd say.


Sjoerd wrote on Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:39 pm:

-I enjoyed the stroll too. :-)
I really enjpoierd this posting of yours. There was so much to see...and it as all looking good.
The veg is really coming right along and ther flowers are looking terrific.
I like that clump of bee balm. Gorgeous.
The Phlox too. I have not seen that one here. Does it also have a nice fragrance? The colours looked very nice. I shall have to have a look-around for some of those.
The yellow rose looks luxurious and the glads are just getting trady now. It won't ber long.
My glads just started blooming yesterday, so you can't be far behind me.


kuntrygal wrote on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:38 am:

That must be 'the yellow rose of Texas' (our state flower). It is a beauty!

Growingpains wrote on Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:46 pm:

The yellow rose is my favorite flower. Your's is beyond beautiful.
Phlox attracts Humming birds as well as bees and butterflies.

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