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Lots growing though no pictures today

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:16 pm

I hope everyone had a great day. It was sunny and warm here. We took a group of summer school kids to the beach today. Tomorrow will be the last day that we drive for the program. I will have the rest of the summer off. Logan and I ate our lunch at the beach and he played in the water in the sand for about an hour. Tomorrow it is expected to rain and be horrible. But we can always hope that the storms will miss us.

The batteries in the camera are there are no pictures from the past 2 days...but I have found a lot of little things growing in the garden...My husband and I counted over 17 cucumbers! All about the same size and probably ready early next week. I have to go out and get myself some canning jars and vinegar so that I can make some pickles! Logan and I have ate 3 cukes in the past 2 days. They are so much better right out of the garden.

Logan has picked and ate 3 cherry tomatoes this week. They don't make it to the house. He asks first and then in they go!

Tomatoes are coming along, no critters or bugs ...yet. And I hope to keep it that way.

The kentucky wonder string beans are doing very well but I have to spray them with the tabasco suace mixture and see if the beetles will go away. Though the beetles only seem to like the leaves, but they do look awful all chewed up.

The peppers are all looking good and there are well over 20 on just 6 plants. the Jalapeno plants are doing well too. All 9 of my plants have at least 2 or 3.

This weekend I hope to make a trellis system for the watermelons. I have some slated pieces that I think I can place on cinder blocks and then lay the vines on them. I think i need to get them off the ground and closer to the sun. It is a bit shady where the melons are right now.

We picked a large bowl of blueberries tonight. They will go in the freezer as well. I think I may make some blueberry muffins on Friday. Yummy with lots of butter....

I need to get batteries tomorrow glads are about to burst open. Some of them are peaking out and are bright red.

Everyone have a great night! Bye for now.

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Frank wrote on Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:42 am:

Lunch at the beach, that sounds really fun for Logan Gardenmama. I'm sure he'll have some nice memories of it when he grows up :)

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