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Fresh flower and blueberries.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:11 pm

Well I finally have new batteries in the camera...LAUGHING...Yesterday was the first time in 18 years since high school class has gotten together for a reunion. I went to a small high school in Vermont and my class graduated 28 people. Through out the day about 17 class members with their families came for food and fun. It was really great to see everyone and so great to see our kids all getting along and playing together. The reunion was held at a campground/field in Bradford, Vt. There was a river that flowed nearby and the kids played in and around the shallow river all day long.

A member of our class passed away in the spring and we set up a table to remember her. I cut these flowers for the table out of my gardens.

When we got home around 6pm, my honey headed to the blueberry bushes and picked 2 quarts of berries. I found 3 cukes, a pepper and some beans that were ready to pick. Before I got the pic taken I gave my friend a cuke to bring home. I also gave her one of my red toms that were ready to be picked.

Tomatoes are starting to turn faster...these plants are in pots in my driveway.

My glads have started to bloom.

It was a fabulous but warm weekend here. I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekends with your friends and family as well.

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eileen wrote on Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:30 pm:

I'm so glad the reunion went so well. What a lovely thing you did for the friend that died supplying the flowers for her from your garden.

Are you going to make blueberry pies or is it jam on the agenda? Your tomatoes are certainly coming on apace now. Love the colour of you glad by the way.


kuntrygal wrote on Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:37 pm:

What a beautiful arrangement of your flowers and what a sweet idea.
The blueberries look delish as so your maters. The glad is awesome. Love the color.
Glad you had a great day! Glad you got some new batteries!


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:24 pm:

That is a beautiful flower arrangement. It honestly does look like a professional job.
It's good to see all those toms and papricas coming-along so well.


glendann wrote on Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:41 am:

You arrangement was so pretty.What a sweet way to remember her by.
Your veggies and berries look awesome too.
I'm so glad your day went so great.

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