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Lot's of picking needed to be done...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:38 am

Last night after dinner I opened the door to look outside and realized it was so cool and refreshing outside. I had been so tired from the previous days activities that I had taken a nap during the day and when I woke up I worked on getting all the pictures of the class reunion online. I had no idea that it was so nice out. So at around 6:45pm my honey, little helper and i went out to the garden and blueberry bushes.

Well did I find a few surprises for me. The 3 red toms that i had seen the day before were nice and soft when i gave them a light squeeze and one of the lemon boys was a bit soft. So I picked them.

Once in the garden patch, I started looking around. picking up leaves and seeing what might be hiding on me. First thing I picked was a jalapeno pepper. Yum...Then I picked up a few cukes leaves...SURPRISE..a couple biggies hiding under the leaves. It is amazing what you can miss in the garden....

Logan was a little temped by that cuke!

Then I noticed that the tom plants are in need of another haircut. I pulled a few leaves and suckers off...i need to spend some serious time out there today. I need to stop their growth upwards and outwards. Time to focus all that energy on the fruit. I can't believe that it is august already. I can't help but pout...snow in just a few months...

Here is Logan with a few of the tomato plants. Most of the plants are over 4 feet tall.

I found a few more green beans...lots of babies growing, soon there will be plenty to eat, share and freeze.

The zucchini is a bit of a disappointment. Lots of male flowers and not many female. Only 1 little zucchini growing right now, and lots of male flowers.

Michael spent his time on the 3 blueberry bushes. He picked another 2 quarts of berries. Blackberries are also starting to ripen.

Here is Logan under one of the blueberry bushes.

Here are pics of today harvest.

This is what we picked this weekend:

New sunflowers in the garden this weekend:

I did find 2 more tomatoes that have been damaged by blossom end rot. they are all on the same plant. i haven't found any of the other plants suffering from it. The rot is on one of the plants that grew faster and got fruit sooner. I hope there won't be any more destroyed.

The rain is supposed to come back today. Tuesday is the only day this week that is supposed to be sunny and dry. All this rain and thunder is getting a bit old!

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Sjoerd wrote on Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:53 am:

I just enjoy these posts of yours so much. Always lots of pics and text.--just great!
It´s a real shame about the blossom end rot, I sure hope that you won´t be finding any more lurking about.
Thoise lovely yellow sunflowers are looking sublime. So far the only ones that have come up for me were my `red` ones//they are pretty, but I had wanted some yellow and red together.
You had a reaslly good fruit and veg harvest this weekend.
I had to chuckle when you wrote about the ´hidden´ cues . I have that with my runnerbeans--I call them ´Lurkers´. It´s always amazing to me how they can DO it. No matter hoe many times I re/look over the plants I alwauys find at least one more.
About your courgettes-- have you been feeding them right along with your toms? If not, perhaps that is the reason they aren´t making any female flowers. They like to be fed rose or tomato food. I notice a difference, with the result being that I am having a serious glut at the moment. I am having to compost many


gardenmama wrote on Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:58 am:

I will start feeding them some tomato food as well. I am giving them miracle grow as well and have been a bit hesitant to feed them with all the rain and the wet. But today I will go out and give them some good old food. Thanks for the advice.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:15 pm:

I feed my courgettes every other time as long as the weather is hot and sunny. I don´t know what ´Miracle Grow´ is. That is to say, I don´t know what the NPK levels are. It sounds like it would produce miracles. --grin--
Perhaps the miracle gro is just fine. how often do you give it to the courgettes?

DRayburn wrote on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:37 am:

Your produce looks delicious! And your little guy is adorable. Looks like he loves gardening as much as you do.

I also found a couple of huge cukes under some leaves in my garden. By the time I found them they were monsters!

Your blueberries and blackberries look DELICIOUS!

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