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Here comes the rain again.....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:24 pm

I wish I could send all this rain to those of you that are in droughts in the US. It has been raining here most of the night and hard all morning. Some areas have received over 4 inches of rain already and flash flooding is occurring. I don't think that I will be in any area of flash floods....well any how...

Last night my hubby, son and myself spent about 45 minutes before supper picking blueberries and walking through the veggie garden. I found a few more cucumbers . I think I have enough now to make a small batch of bread and butter pickles. Logan picked a grape tomato and a cherry tomato. There are plenty on tiny green beans growing but not too many ready for picking. We counted about 10 Jalapeno peppers and the green sweet bells are doing amazing! I still can't get over the difference in the pepper plants this summer.

Yesterday morning I spent about 40 minutes pulling off tomato leaves again...This time i got a bit radical so that the fruit can really start to get bigger. I don't have pictures this morning but I started from seed a plum tomato called "Mamma Roma". The description was a huge plum. Well let me tell you. Some of them are going to be close to 4 times the size of a normal plum! OH MY GOSH is all I can say. I can't wait to harvest these and make sauce.

Rain in expected for the next several days, sometimes very hard with severe thunderstorms.

I hope everyone is well and that there gardens are thriving and they are enjoying them.

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gardengater wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:18 pm:

Oh that MaMa Roma sounds luscious. Enjoy your rain, now Texas is wet, but the beach is hot and humid. Watering has become a full-time job.

sharon mc wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 3:19 pm:

We too are beset by almost constant rains here in this part of the UK; symapthies and empathy!


glendann wrote on Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:04 pm:

I have about 3 1/2 inches in the gage this morning.Its a little over cast not sure if more rain or not.

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