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Between the rian drops....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:39 pm

The rains have come AGAIN!!! Sooooooooooooo I have started to turn my harvest into some yummies..I made blueberry muffins the other morning...Thursday morning I had 7 pickling cucumbers that I needed to turn into something (Logan and I can only eat so many cukes in a day) so I looked up pickle recipes. So Thursday after lunch I pulled out my slicing mandolin, a couple of Ball canning jars and got to work. I sliced up 4 large white onions and my cucumbers. I made 4 pints of bread and butter pickles. Never made then before and it was very easy. The hardest part will be waiting 6-8 weeks to taste them! My mom loves bread and butter pickles so I hope they come out good. My mom and dad made pickles in the 80's and made amazing pickles. I hope I can do half as good.

On the way to pick up my honey from work in the afternoon the skies opened and we got a whopper of a storm. The thunder and lightening was intense and the rain came down in buckets. When we got home it had let up and was just lightly sprinkling. When we got home i ventured out to the garden to see what I could find. There was a couple of cherry tomatoes, a cuke, green beans and blackberries. It started raining again so I didn't get to pick blueberries.

It is nice to have a cuke and tomato salad just about every night. I add some fresh basil as well.

A few nights ago my husband brought this HUGE zucchini home from work. A man he works with has a huge garden and loves to share. This one will become Zucchini bread this weekend. I will send his co worker some.

The skies opened up again this afternoon. We got home and immediately went out to the garden and blueberry bushes. The thunder clapped in the distance so we worked quickly to pick what we could. I found 8 cucumbers ready to become dill pickles this weekend. As well as some green beans, a few peas and a green pepper. My honey and I picked at a very quick pace. We picked until a huge clap of thunder sounded over our heads and the rain started coming down again.

I don't think we will be picking too much this weekend. Rain is expected for the whole weekend. That cucumbers are going to love it, along with the few watermelons that have really started to grow and the pumpkins. I would however LOVE it if the rains held off for a few days and give my tomatoes a chance to get ripe! Good news on the tomato front, no more blossom end rot has been found! The tomatoes are getting much bigger. So when the sun finally shines I will be busy, busy ...BUSY!

Everyone have a fantastic night and weekend!

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Sjoerd wrote on Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:59 pm:

Fantastic harvests and processing. What a pro you are.
Rain is forecast here for it'll be work as usual tomorrow at the lotties.


glendann wrote on Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:16 am:

I wish I could complain about rain :)
Your harvest looks so very good.I love deep fried battered cukes,Yummy,your zuchini bread sounds good too.Between you Sjord and Eileen I am now hungry,Bacon and mater sandwich sounds soooo good with cukes on the side. See ya later :)


NINA wrote on Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:39 am:

So many yummy veggies and fruits in your garden. Wish I had all that energy now. I had a big veggie garden when my kids were young. Great memories they are. I saw all the bad storms you got. I'm below you and we got it too, but you all got hit harder..
Stay dry.....


Droopy wrote on Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:21 am:

Your produce looks so good. I hope the rain lets up for you soon.

BJ wrote on Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:23 pm:

Beautiful, yummy veggie pics.
We have 14 Rome/Roma tomatoes coming on. Already had 3. They were transplanted here when we moved. Had no hope for their survival.
Enjoy your great garden!

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