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It's been a very busy week....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:27 pm

This past week has been very busy. We are getting ready to get back to school and work. Logan is starting kindergarten this Tuesday and I will get back to driving bus on Wednesday. I drive for a different school then the one that Logan goes to.

Tuesday we had plans to go to Groton State Park and go to the beach with a friend of mine and her kids but it was RAINING all morning and it never got above 60 degrees. It was so cold a few nights this week but the tomatoes and other veggies seemed to have dealt well with it. On Wednesday my mom came up to the house early in the morning to watch Logan all day so that I could go to a 4 hour training session for work and then go to the walk in clinic for DOT physical so that I can keep my bus license. It never got home until after 3.

Thursday morning we woke and the weather was GORGEOUS! Sunny and warm at 8, so I called my friend and we planned to hit the lake again. It was a fabulous day at the beach! the sun shown all day and it wasn't too hot.

Friday we had a lot of house cleaning and errands to do. My cousin was coming up for the weekend and things needed to be straightened up. We did everything we needed to do, went shopping and then picked up my hubby at work. We did get some picking done. This time of year the mosquitos are HORRIBLE. we lasted about 15 minutes before everyone was getting eaten ALIVE! I had tons of bites on my ankles.

The tomatoes are starting to turn. There are several plants that have a few tomatoes each turning red or yellow. I think some of the heirlooms that are purple and maroon are starting to turn as well.

This sunflower is starting to be done, the head is very head and droopy. Looking so very sad. It must know summer is coming to an end soon.

Though this sunflower thinks it is time to be born!

Roses are blooming as well.

This dahlia gets more beautiful everyday.

Here is a birdhouse my husband built last summer. It sits high on our back hill. Last year we had some cute small birds in it and we thought they were back this summer but it is empty.

My cousin arrived at about 9pm on Friday night we stayed up late talking. On Saturday, we all went to my nieces 3rd bday party at a park in Bradford, VT. the kids played on the climbing structure and most of the adults played bocce.

Saturday night we had a fire in our fire pit and made S'mores and had some margaritas. It was a nice night.

Here is Logan and Sarah outside Saturday night.

I hope everyone has had a good week and weekend!

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Droopy wrote on Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:38 pm:

Phew! I'm glad that week is over and done with. *lol* Your beach day looks wonderful, as do your veggies and blooms. But the prettiest "bloom" is Logan.


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:01 pm:

I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you. Well, some folks just have it plain busy.
I'm glad to hear that your toms are beginning to turn now.
Your flowers are very pretty and are looking far from finished...just that one sunflower.
Will you let the birds eat the seeds or will you use them for something else?

Welcome back!


SongofJoy57 wrote on Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:31 pm:

Looks a though your garden is growing well . . . with fruits, veggies, flowers, and plants . . . and the cutest lille guy you have there.

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