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Slowly but surely...tomatoes are coming!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:51 pm

Here and there I see signs that autumn is trying to come. The sugar maple tree leaves have started to turn red and some have begun to fall to the ground. The nights are getting cooler and the mornings are a bit brisk. The pumpkins in the garden have started to turn orange and the garden isn't as green as it once was. I have seen several gardens that are done. They look so sad. The plants are all brown and dried up. I don't know why, so soon. Mine are still pretty healthy looking. Maybe they didn't have someone looking out for them as well as mine does.

We have had some of the best weather of the summer over the past 2 weeks. The rain has finally left and the sun and warm days have returned. With this sun and warm days my tomatoes have finally started to turn colors. I have had some tomatoes over the past month and a half but not like this. I have picked 2 flats of tomatoes in some stage of turning colors this week! I have picked over 4 quarts of the little tomatoes. I have grown yellow pears, grape and cherry. I have been giving away some of the tiny tomatoes. There are only so many salads one person can eat!

This is what was picked the other day.

Today we had a gorgeous day. We decided to run some errands as a family after my honey got out of work. We ended at walmart. I had to get canning jars, and they had plenty! I had looked at 2 other places and they were all out. We thought we were done and then we noticed that the swingsets were 50% off. So we decided to pick up one for Logan. We had planted grass just for this purpose. So after some waiting and aggravation we got the swingset apart and in the car and home. It took me and my honey about and hour to reassemble it. Of course all the nuts and bolts are wrong and we need to get better ones. there is also a part missing and we will have to figure out how to make the see saw work better. But my honey is great at that. It will be much better when he is done with it.

While we were assembling the swing set i noticed that the garden was full of turning tomatoes! I was over joyed. So i began to pick and pick.

I picked a lot of the tomatoes that have just a bit of color on them. I want to give all the tomatoes a chance to turn. Pulling off the slightly ripe ones will let the energy ripen the others.

I picked 11 cucumbers today, 4 peppers, 5 hot peppers, 2 handfuls of green beans, 2 huge zucchinis and many many tomatoes.

Here are the biggest pumpkins:

I have some beautiful blooms today. The tractor tire planter is looking fabulous! I thought by now the flowers would be past their prime but they look better this week then they have most of the summer.

My tinman is looking very nice. He has a pumpkin vine growing up him and I think it is so cute.

This is the weekly harvest. The tomatoes are turning quickly on the porch. I have a lot of the paler colored tomatoes, yellow and pinks. So I think I will make some fresh salsa and can it. I have never canned it before so this will be a good experiment.

Here is Logan with the weeks harvest. The items in the canning jars are tomato soup concentrate. It tastes really yummy!

I hope to make some zucchini, pickle and pepper relish over the next few days. Plus once the tomatoes are ready i will be cooking them down and canning and freezing them. Of course the tomatoes are turning now when I am back to driving bus and busy, busy , BUSY!

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Sjoerd wrote on Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:44 pm:

oh yeah......OH YEAH....
Now THAT'S what I call good harvesting.
You really do have some nice looking veg there, G'mama. It all looks so good piled-up like that. I can see that you have been and will be busy for the forseeable future.
But I would be remiss if I did not comment on yopur beautiful flowers. The glads, the petunias in the tractor tire, sunflowers and the rest. Just one great, big colourful display.
The little tin man just gets more character by the day.
BTW--how much longer before the pumpkins will turn orange and you can harvest them?
Well, I wish you guys every success with your re-construction of the swing set. I can imagine that it is quite a challenge. Did any instructions come with it?
I woinder how much tomato concentrate you will wind up with.


Droopy wrote on Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:58 am:

Lovely, lovely and even lovelier! Congratulations on the swing set, it looks like somebody will have lots of fun on it. :D Your veggie photos are making my mouth water, and the blooms are delightful. I especially like the sunflowers and your tin man.

sharon mc wrote on Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:07 am:

Your pictures truly brightrn up a dull day here; well done with your crop!


gardengater wrote on Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:19 pm:

Congratulations on your veggie haul. The blooms are glorious too.

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