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Autumn is here and the garden is winding down.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:29 pm

Oh it has been a busy week or so. This time of year there is a lot of cleaning up to do, getting things ready for winter and back to work and school.

Last weekend we spent sometime on Saturday cleaning up the garden. We had had a few cool nights and the pumpkin vines were dead, so we cut all the pumpkins off and pulled out the vines. We got 12 nice carving pumpkins. Some are not orange yet but they are getting there.

The string beans were done producing so they were ripped out and a few more of the tomato plants. we haven't had a killing frost yet , so every weekend we just pull another cherry tomato plant out that is done producing.

All that is left in the garden are a few tomato plants and lots of weeds where the pumpkins were planted. We were going to pull it all out this weekend but the rains are a comin'. So we will be doing a lot of inside chores and cooking.

Last of the beans, huge and tough.

Last of the zucchini's

The dying garden

the green bean pole is empty now. you can also see one of the last cherry tomato plants in the back ground.

Some of my pumpkins with my mums in the rock garden. Soon I will have it all spooked out with the Halloween decorations.

There was a special Kindergarten lunch on tuesday. Logan could invite a parent or grandparents for lunch. My mom and I both went and had lunch with him. We got to see some of his artwork while we were there.

Last Sunday my mom, honey and I took logan to Clark's trading post in Lincoln, Nh. It is about 45 minutes from here. It is a place where they have been raising the american black bear for nealry 60 years. It is located on the White Mountain Railroad. This was the Railroads 50th year. We road a caboose, railbus, train and rail wagon. It was a day of trains and a lot of fun for Logan.

Here are some of the days pictures. the last picture is of the "wolfman". he lives on the branch of the White Mountain Railroad and trys to chase off the train. He hates tourists and wants us to go away. He chases the train in an old car and lets off firecrackers and an airgun. It is a lot of fun. We did this train ride twice. Clark's is a great place to visit while in the White Mountains.

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glendann wrote on Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:46 pm:

You have really been busy gardenmamma .It looks like you,your mom and Logan had a wonderful time. So much fun had by the three of you.


Droopy wrote on Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:13 pm:

Lovely photos, they cheered me up no end! :D I love your pumpkins and the colours around them. Sorry about your dying garden, but shared misery is halved misery they say.


kuntrygal wrote on Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:33 pm:

Looks like Logan had a ball!
I like your arrangement of pumpkins and flowers.


Sjoerd wrote on Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:59 pm:

Heyy...long time, no see, G'mama. Glad you've been ok and just busy. I know all about that clean-up thing...I've been busy at it myself.
Those pumpkins look quite nice. I'm looking forewaed to Halloween fotos.Good luck with the continued clean-up and keep those piccies coming.
You guys had a good day there, didn't you.
We have a nice little steam train here that that people and their children can take from here to a town further up the coast then there's a short boatride and then the train back. It's a lovely trip and it can be especially nice in the spring when there are lots of tulip fields.


SongofJoy57 wrote on Sat Sep 27, 2008 11:37 am:

Loved your blog entry. your fall pumpkins and mums are very festive. It looks as though everyone had a wonderful time at the trading post. Your son is precious.

THERESA wrote on Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:46 am:

thanks for the up dates

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