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Foliage in Vermont

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:11 pm

Fall is in full swing in Vermont. The cooler nights and cooler days have started the leaves turning and they are gorgeous! It has been several years since I can remember wanting to "leaf peep" in my own state. Last week before the rains came I had my camera with me in the bus. These are a few pictures that I took on the hill that we live on.

The garden is nearly cleaned out. Today I put a mixture of bone meal, blood meal and lime in the tires that the tomato plants came out of. To start rebuilding the soil for spring.

Not all is dead and dying. Somehow we have managed not to get a deadly frost here. My wild roses are still blooming and gorgeous. They seem so much more colorful this time of year because everything around them is dull and brown. The morning glories are still doing well and give the arbor some nice color this time of year.

The pumpkins were cut off the vine a few weeks ago and they have been sitting out in the sun and are ripening very nicely.

Today I spent the morning cleaning out my largest flower bed, pulling out the glads and dahlias and getting them ready to get put away for winter. I was going to plant my fall bulbs in this flower bed but there really isn't enough to my honeys dismay I started digging up the grass around our well . I planted daffodils, tulips and crocuses here. I also tore up all the flowers in the large tractor tire on the front lawn and put in black and deep purple tulips as well as irises, hyacinths, crocuses and some more daffs. I can't wait for spring to come and see the wonderful color. Finally some color to take pictures of in the spring!

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Droopy wrote on Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:52 pm:

Your morning glory is indeed glorious, and so are your autumn colours! We rarely get a colour display because it will be wet and mild forever, and when the frost comes the leaves just curl up and die.


toni wrote on Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:03 pm:

Oh My Gosh, what gorgeous fall color. My dream for years has been to wander thru New England in Sept/October to enjoy as many of the color shows I can find.


glendann wrote on Sun Oct 05, 2008 6:16 pm:

Oh what gorgeous colors.I love the ones with the churches in them.Is so very beauitful with all the changing of the leave.


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:45 pm:

Beautiful pics of the fall colours there and the Ipomoea is absolutely gorgeous.
I'm jelous of all the work you are doing--it's been raining here for days and days and I am behind.

These pics look really good.


kuntrygal wrote on Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:58 am:

Michele those are awesome pictures...the fall and flowers. The tires weren't so much! he-he! And I love the pumpkins. I'll bet Logan will have fun carving a pumpkin he grew! Thanks for sharing.

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