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The spookiest time of year is coming.....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:49 pm

My FAVORITE time of year in about to start..I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I love the pumpkins, the ghosts and goblins...vampires, werewolfs everything. Last year Logan was the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz and I was Dorothy. The year before he was a frog and I was mother nature. Logan loves it as well. This year Logan is going to be Indiana Jones and I, a mime. We won't match this year but it will still be fun.

I make caramel popcorn balls for halloween treats and give out plain popcorn as well. This year I will have a batch of warm cider on the porch for the parents.

This weekend we finished cleaning up the yard and we finally pulled out the decorations to decorate the yard. 3 years ago when we moved in I made wooden lawn decorations. Pumpkins that are 3D and lite up at night, candy corn, cats etc.

Here are pictures of our spooky decorations:

3 witches park their brooms here and call this house their home.

This is the witch I melted last year as Dorothy.

Fall decorations:

Last edited: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:50 pm

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Sjoerd wrote on Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:03 pm:

Heh heh heh... G'mama thta is the most impressive display of Halloween scarey stuff that I ahve ever seen. it's great!
What a talent you lot have there.
Very nice stuff indeed.


petunia wrote on Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:06 pm:

Yes halloween willbe differant for me this year as I'm pretty sure I'l have to work. I guess My oldest daughter will have to take my little one out this year.
Nice picts. I love your decorations. All I put up are some ghost.


Biita wrote on Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:52 pm:

Oh that is so cool! You have a lot of decorations. We don't have any kids that come here, but i understand Halloween is picking up on the mainland. I have to admitt i love the fall and Halloween time too. Altho i love it for different reasons it still has an electric feel to it that no other time has. I love it!!

I would probably be dressed up right along with you and your son, sipping on the cider and enjoying the caramel popcorn balls. The kids might have to fight me for them tho,,lol.


Droopy wrote on Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:48 pm:

I love seeing your decorations! We don't do much for Halloween, since it's not a big celebration here. We stock up on treats and hand out to the children that show up at our door, and send our own out, but that's about it.

I used to dress up earlier, until my costume was ruined. I never got round to replacing it. Maybe I should.


glendann wrote on Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:34 pm:

You have so many decoration.I'm not a Halloween person.I like the kids coming for treats.Heather loves it all.
She is like a kid ay Halloween.


eileen wrote on Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:30 pm:

We don't celebrate Halloween here as our children have all grown up and left home. There are no longer any children in this, the older, part of the village so no-one comes to the door either these days.

I do love all your decorations though and would love to be there to join in the Halloween festivities!!


kuntrygal wrote on Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:22 am:

I'm not a Halloween person, but use to be when my 2 kids were little. I don't buy candy to give out, can't afford it!!! Plus Lexi would bark every time the door bell rang. So I just turn the lights off. Sorry little kids.

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