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It's Pumpkin time!!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:45 pm

Hello everyone..I haven't disappeared, just very busy with work. Last weekend I went to CT for a wedding. We have been very busy up here with work. We actually had some snow a few miles up the hill from us this week. But this weekend the weather has been sunny and gorgeous!

Yesterday morning I spent some time carving 4 of my best pumpkins. I had to throw away 4, they had gone soft and were rotten. I gave away 2 to my mom and aunt.

Here are the pictures of the pumpkins. I will be posting more pictures in the next week of Halloween.

Next Saturday Logan and I are heading to Ct again to go to "day out with Thomas". We have done this before up in North Conway , NH. A life size Thomas the Tank Steam Engine pulls coaches and we get to ride. There are also a lot of other activities. I will be posting pictures of our weekend away.

I hope all you stewies out there are doing well. I will be back soon with more goings on. I plan to try and get pictures of a snowy mountain this week. Ug...SNOW!

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eileen wrote on Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:23 pm:

Spooky pumpkins!!! I love the dotty one - must have taken you ages to carve them all out.
There's been snow in the north of Scotland but, thankfully, none where I am yet. We've got rain, hail and gale force winds though.
I'll look forward to piccies of your week-end.


glendann wrote on Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:33 pm:

You have some wonderful Jack-o -Laterns.You did a great job on carving them out.
Its good to see you on.
Have a good time with Thomas the steam engine.I know Logan will.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:25 am:

Hello stranger.... nice to see you again. Hope all is well there with you guys.

Well, those were great J-O-L's. You have a talent there. They will look so good on Halloween. Will they go on the front porch?

It's quite nice to be able to carve-up your own pumpkind, isn't it. You had a great growing season all-round, didn't you?

Take care and don't work too hard.


Droopy wrote on Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:38 am:

You have done lovely work on those pumpkins, and I really can't grasp the fact that you grew them yourself too. Well done! I like the one with the "friendly-looking" face, and the dotted one too, but I think I'll try to copy the spookiest one!

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