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The day out with Thomas adventure....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:18 pm

Hello everyone. Now that I have a few moments I can tell you all about our adventure to Connecticut last weekend. Logan and I were up and out of the house by 8am. We stopped in E. Thetford to pick up my friend Nancy and her 5 year old son Brennen. We had 1 more stop to make. We picked up the rental car in White River and off we went. We were on our way by 9:15. We made great time we were in Hartford by noon. We picked up my aunt and had lunch. We got to Essex, Ct around 2pm. Just in time to see Thomas load all his passengers and take them on their ride. The Essex Train Museum was the location for the Day Out With Thomas. There was food vendors, free kiddie rides and lots of other fun activities for the kids. Logan and Brennen had a great time. We rode the merry go round and another kiddie ride before we had to queue for the 3pm ride.

Thomas was in Essex to help the #97 steam train pull all the coaches filled with the excited kids and their parents. Logan, Nancy, Brennen, my aunt theresa and myself got to ride in the #8 car which was right behind Thomas. Once on the train the conductor handed out special Jr. Engineer certificates to all the kids. There was a story teller telling lots of stories about Thomas and the days train ride. There was also a lot of Thomas The Tank tunes being played on the train.

Logan and I had done day out With Thomas before when he was 3. That was a very hot and humid day and that took away some of the fun. But Saturday in Connecticut was gorgeous! It was sunny and in the mid 60's. Perfect weather for the trip.

After our train ride we went into the Imagination Station where the kids could play with toy trains, color and watch Thomas Cartoons. Then it was off to the gift shop! All sorts of Thomas merchandise plus a model railway all set up. This I think might have been Logan's favourite part of the day. He ran around that huge model railway table for over a half an hour watching the 2 trains and making up stories about them......then it was the end of the day. After we got to the car we got to see Thomas getting put away for the night. Thomas the steam engine does move by himself but he has a special helper that is a Diesel Engine that does most of the work.

Here is Logan and Brennen climbing on a HUGE Thomas made out of LEGOS!

Logan doesn't really like the up and down horses on the Merry Go Round so we sit in a carriage.

Before out ride Logan got to speak to one of Thomas' Engineers. All the men are very friendly and put on a great show for the kids.

Here is Nancy, Brennen, Logan and myself in front of Thomas the Tank Engine.

Logan is surprised when we start to move!

Thomas getting put into a shed for the night.

After we left Thomas we decided to drive 2 exits to the CT Shore. It was a gorgeous afternoon and my friend Nancy had never seen the end of the Connecticut River. The CT River runs the entire length of Vermont and dumps into Long island Sound. This is in Old saybrook.

The adventure was great. That night we all sacked out in my aunt's livingroom for a long nap. Afer breakfast on Sunday morning we took the boys to a park to let them run and play. The weather wasn't so warm then but the kids had a good time.

To end the trip was fantastic. After exchanging the rental for my car and dropping off nancy we picked up a pizza and were home just after 6 on Sunday night. It was a long ride but so worth it. What great memories we made last week.

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colourmegrae wrote on Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:13 am:

What a beautiful family you've got!


eileen wrote on Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:31 am:

I'll bet you were all tired out after such a wonderful adventure. A very special day for a very special family!!


Sjoerd wrote on Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:57 am:

What a great day out. I know that you folks really enjoyed yourselves immensely.

I know that area fairly well as I stayed in Old Saybrook and have visited many of the small towns including Essex. I had a memorable meal at an old-looking restaurant there in Essex. They also had a second hand book shop that my partner had enomous trouble getting me out of.
I also went up to Stoonington and Deep River on business while in the area.
CT is a very interesting and lovely place especially in the fall. All those stone fences that divide land made me think of the Yorkshire Dales in the north of england.
This was a great post because of the info and pics--but also because it brought back menories.
--Thanks a mil!


Droopy wrote on Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:57 am:

Awww, lovely! Wish my girls and I could be right beside you, they would have had a grand time.

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