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Ice storm, christmas trees and sledding...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:12 pm

Hello everyone. It has been awhile lets see if I remember how to do this. I haven't had a lot to blog about in awhile. This time of year is busy, busy, busy and not very much to talk about though.

This past Thursday into Friday we got our first good winter storm of the season. In Groton we got about 8 inches of heavy snow and a bit of freezing rain. We were lucky not to loose power but there are homes all over Nh, Vt and MA that are still without power. My mother lives an hour south and she was without power for about 18 hours and so was my brother. The further south you head the more damage from the storm. Here are some of the pictures I have of the ice we have in our yard.

It is so pretty to see the ice sparkling in the sun on the trees, but it is also so devastating. I hope to get some pictures of the more heavily laden trees during the week. It hasn't warmed up enough yet for the ice to start to melt.

On Friday afternoon I picked out our Christmas tree. The one I choose at the nursery wasn't too badly covered with ice. This lovely balsam was partially under cover. I wanted a Frazier Fur but they were totally out in the open and were completely encased in ice. The poor things all battered from the storm. We left the tree on our sunporch for 24 hours to thaw a bit and then brought it into the house and put towels all around it to catch the melting ice. It opened rather nice and is perfect for the small space.

Here it is fully decorated:

Logan has a Thomas the Tank Christmas Engine and we set up a nice track under the tree. Last year it went around the tree but it was a real pain, this year it is in the front and is perfect. Here is Logan with his cousin Quinn watching the train under the tree.

Logan's nannie b arrived last week and here is with his other favorite lady.

My brother and his family came over today for lunch a some sledding fun. Here are some shots of the kids and some adults sledding down our front yard.

I bought a gingerbread house kit this year. I thought it was would be a great project for me and Logan to do together. Well....I was wrong. The icing hardened very quickly, the candy pieces were so small neither of us could handle them and we kept dropping them. And the icing was so thick that it broke my icing bag! But I tried my best and this is the outcome.

I hope everyone is well out in stewland. Happy holidays to everyone.

Last edited: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:20 pm

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eileen wrote on Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:21 pm:

The ice does look lovely on the trees but I don't think I'd like to experience the ice storm you did.

Your Christmas tree looks right at home and very pretty - the children seen to love having the train set underneath it.

My favourite piccies are the ones of the children sledging. Thier little faces say just what good fun they were having.

I'm sure your splendid gingerbread house will be admired and then demolished by everyone!! Gingerbread is a great treat at Christmas time.


Frank wrote on Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:30 pm:

Your tree and cake look great GM. And I bet they had so much fun sledding!

Happy Xmas :)


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:24 pm:

Lots of interesting fotos and commentary this time.
The ones I liked the best was the Gingerbread house ones.
I wonder why the icing was so thick and why it hardened so quickly. Well, newver mind the negs...the end result was super! Well done.


glendann wrote on Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:06 am:

Just beautiful photos.Love your tree and the little train and Logan and his cousin.The sleding looks like so much fun.I never had the snow.Thank you for your wonderful picture.


kuntrygal wrote on Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:37 am:

Love your tree and the gingerbread house is beautiful. Can't imagine what it would have looked like, had everything gone like it should have.
Wish I had some snow to go sledding in. Maybe Toni and I need to head north!!


Droopy wrote on Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:33 am:

Nice photos! Your ice storm troubles made the news here in Norway. I love the gingerbread house, but my favourite photos are the ones of the children playing. I'd have liked to sled with them.


glendann wrote on Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:02 pm:

kuntrygal if it keeps on you could head south :)

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