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Wonderful smells of christmas goodies.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:33 am

Today was the perfect day to get the Christmas baking started and completed! After hitting the local super Walmart to get the Christmas food shopping done, then the liquor store to get some liquid refreshments I came home and began and to my surprise finished all the baking that I needed to get done.

My mother in law and husband love mince meat pies. In England she can find mini pies made by Mr. Kipling but we can't find them here. Sometimes we can find them on a good English Import Food site but this time they were out. So i decided to tackle the job. I don't like them but I decided I would try and make them. So with a bottle of None Such and some pre-made pastry( I have to be in the prefect mood to make homemade crust or it ails every time.) I fitted the pastry into muffin tins and sealed up the edges and baked them. 7 were made and there are now 6. I asked my mother in law to try one and tell me if they were close enough to the Mr. Kipling. BINGO...PERFECT!

Then on to 3 batches of banana bread. I decided that this year I would make banana breads as gifts for the office staff and mechanics at work as well as Logan's teachers. The 3 batches made 12 mini loaves of bread. They smell so nice. I add cinnamon to the bread dough.

My husband asked me to make a Gingerbread Cake. So our afters on Christmas Eve will be a Gingerbread cake. I decided to make that today as well. I was in a groove. Full of energy for a little while and decided that I might as well get it all done today. SINCE tomorrow will be spent shoveling out from the 3rd major winter storm this week. I had enough of the gingerbread cake batter to make the Snowman mold as well as a mini loaf. We had the mini loaf tonight for our afters with whipped cream.

So that is all the baking that I needed to finish. I had made 3 batches of shortbread cookies back at the beginning of November and all we have to do tomorrow is dip them in chocolate and crushed nuts.

Here is a picture of the days efforts.

On Wednesday we got a nasty winter storm that dropped about 6 inches of snow. Friday it started to snow and it lasted all night and this morning we had nearly a foot. A winter storm warning has been issued for tonight into Monday afternoon. We can expect to get well over a foot before it is over. I will be taking pictures this weekend and posting them. It is so pretty however it is a lot of work to get it out of the way.

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Sjoerd wrote on Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:51 am:

Mincemeat pies.....gingerbread......bananna bread--Oh dear me. :-p

They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach--can men really be THAT shallow?----ermmmmm: YEAH! :-D

It sounds like you've really outdone yourself there this year, G'mama. Chapeau!
It sounds like you are quite talented at the oven.


eileen wrote on Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:14 am:

Gee that's a lot of work you've got through in just one day!! Everything looks delicious - pity we couldn't be there to taste it all. Love the poinsettia - such a nice colour.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you and your family.


Droopy wrote on Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:34 am:

My, look at those yummies sitting there. At least you'll be eating well if you end up being snowed in. Mmm, I think I'd like to quality check the finished results.

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