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My growing garden...June 4th

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:17 pm

Hello Everyone. Sorry I haven't Blogged in a few days. It has BEEN so busy the past few days. Logan had his first spring concert on Tuesday night. He is 4 and in preschool. He was so cute. A bit nervous but cute. On Wednesday Logan had his preschool certificate completion day. He is all done and ready for kindergarten in the fall. My mom and I went to his class and we had a picnic on the floor. We were supposed to have a picnic in a nice park but it rained. So we had a picnic inside his class instead. After lunch the weather cleared and we played outside chasing bubbles.

This is Logan with his teacher, Miss Bean.

So this morning I had time to walk through the veggie patch and the yard. The beans and the peas are coming up and so the chives have flowers. Here are a few pictures.

The mint we planted 2 summers ago has left the yard and is growing wildly along the driveway. But it smells so nice. Time to make my hubby some REAL, English mint sauce.

Here is a dalliha that is popping up. Just planted it 2 weeks ago.

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SongofJoy57 wrote on Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:43 pm:

What a cutie that Logan is. I love his smile. Your garden is lookin' good. Congrats to Logan on his big accomplishment!!!


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:28 am:

Nice garden there!
Everything's coming along just fine isn't it?
Thanks for these fotos...don't forget to show updates from time to time...we're hooked now.


tschnath wrote on Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:32 am:

Yes, congrats to Logan. I have DD (#2, who is also 4) and starting kindergarten in the fall. It's big and exciting. Your veges are looking good and I can't wait to see that dalliha when it flowers. Will it flower this year? Thanks for sharing.


cajunbelle wrote on Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:11 am:

Logan is adorable, tell him congrats from me. Your garden is looking good.


Droopy wrote on Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:37 am:

Logan's smile could melt a stone! Your garden's looking good there.


gardenmama wrote on Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:07 am:

Yes the Dalliha will flower this year. I love the flower but, I have to dig up the bulbs in the fall. Same with the glads. The winter is too cold and they turn to mush if left in the ground. The color will surprise me. I forgot what color I bought this year.

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