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More recycling for use in the garden.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:42 pm

I decided that it was not going to be cheap to buy all the peat pots I am going to need to transplant the seedlings into in coming months. So i set out to find out how to make newspaper seed pots. The first site i came upon looked promising. HOWEVER, the person who did the folding pots seemed to miss out several steps and was pretty bad at the directions. After both my husband and I tried several times we gave up and I started to search again. The second site was perfect. A lady on a video showing how to use a glass and newspaper. So easy! She didn't say to use tape but I decided that some tape holding them together was a good idea. I made over 30 of the newspaper pots this morning.

I am also cutting up soda cans to make into plant marker tags. This will take several weeks to get enough cans cut up. Then I will etch into them the plant name.

I got my little helper a mini green house the other day and he planted sunflower seeds. They are starting to sprout.

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Sjoerd wrote on Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:54 pm:

I loike the look of your paper pots. I have been using paper poys for many years now and I can tell youi they save loads of money and are so easy to make and use. One year when I was ober in the UK, I picked up one of these and use it several times a year now.


Droopy wrote on Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:37 pm:

Lovely tip, gardenmama. I'm for everything that can save me a penny and also save the environment.


Palm Tree wrote on Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:43 pm:

Now that is quite clever. I will have to spread the word around here.


greenfairy wrote on Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:37 am:

that is a wonderful idea. could you tell me which site that was?
i use the plastic ice cream cups as seed pots.

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