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Little bit of disappointment and starting more seeds.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 pm

On Sunday the 15th i realized that an entire tray of seeds didn't grow. So I put it on the sun porch out of the way until I could wash out the tray, get more seeds and start over. The was the first tray I planted this season. I don't know what went wrong but the soil smelled strongly of manure. I didn't use manure and the soil I used was not supposed to have any in it. I have noticed that several other openings in my trays have not grown either. So I am slowly replanting and hoping for the best. I still have plenty of plants growing but it is a huge disappointment to me.

So today I have replanted the entire tray that failed with new soil. I bought more seed started soil and am hoping for the best. Today I planted:

A burpee heirloom mix ( these will be a surprise as to what they ar)
Burpee 4th of July
Burpee Super Beefsteak
Burpee Endless Summer

I also planted a Burpee organic Eggplant the Black Beauty. why not try again. I love egg plant and I can say that I gave them one last try.

The seedlings that are going are doing well and are making a good root system. Some have started second sets of leaves. The brandywines are always the first to start making more leaves.

Logan is excited that his sunflowers are growing so well. They really are growing fast!

here is the seedling on the 17th

And here is the same seedling today, the 21st.

I hope everyone out there in Stew land is well! Spring will soon be here...I have to keep telling myself that. We have more snow coming tomorrow. We got snow the other day but it was so warm it melted by noon! Hopefully this next batch will melt as quick!

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gardengater wrote on Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:34 pm:

Don't feel too bad, Michelle. My first flat started in mold and I only got 6 seedlings out of it. We still have plenty of time to start those seeds!


Netty wrote on Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:29 pm:

Good thing you caught it early is still early enough to start more. It IS very disappointing when things don't grow.


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:53 am:

Sorry to hear about that first tray, Michelle. Fooey!
Well, I hope that things improve. There's still plenty of time, though.
It's a curious thing, that smell of manure.


PepperDude wrote on Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:29 am:

ACKKKK!!!! I hate that, that has happened! If you need more mater seeds let me know and maybe i can get them to you in enough time that you can get them planted.


cajunbelle wrote on Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:24 pm:

I had some that failed too, and some that came up good and then died. But the successes make all the failures worth while.


bsewnsew wrote on Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:39 am:

Seeds arent all 100% germination.. But a whole tray smells trouble.
Perhaps a bit too soon?
My tomatoes are up and so are some peppers..Hot ones.
Mild ones aren't.

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