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Well I am back and this is going to be a long one!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:01 pm

I don't have any excuse except that I have been sooo busy and there really hasn't been a ton to blog about. This time of year is so blah blah blah. Things are starting to grow but not fast enough.

After a rough start with some seeds not germinating the tomato plants really started to grow and grow! I have been transplanting them into the newspaper pots and now some are so big they are getting put into larger plastic pots. There are so many tomatoes, about 110 PLANTS, that they have moved out onto the sun porch full time. The first couple nights it was a bit cool out there but they all pulled through. They were just a bit wilted in the morning, but once the sun came out they perked up.

Here are the tomatoes on March 26th

April 5th Tomato Plants

April 17th Tomato Plants transplanted into larger pots.

Now all I have to wait and wait and wait some more until it is warm enough for the tomato plants to be put in the ground. I plan on the end of May or the 1st weekend in June. That should be safe enough and past the last killing frost.

On March 28th we got home at around 4:30pm and we were greeted by spring bulbs growing! WOW finally! I planted them correctly!

I was outside the Saturday afternoon before Easter and the crocus had bloomed!

Everything is slow to grow this time of year. We still had snow on March 28th, but finally it is all GONE!


My little helper Logan is so happy to be able to play outside again. The snow is gone and the sun has come and we are really starting to have warm days. Yesterday it hit 60 and Logan wanted to play with the sidewalk chalk he got to Easter.

Yesterday we all did a lot of yard clean up. we cut down a Maple Tree that was leaning over and soon would be growing into the the roof of our inlaw apartment. That was quite the job. Even with using a rope and cutting the wedge out of the tree in the direction we wanted it to fall, it ended up on the roof anyway. Though with the rope on it and me pulling it, it slowed it down and there wasn't any damage. We then raked up about 5 bags of leaves and 4 wheel barrow loads. Things are starting to look a lot better out there. Starting to look like SPRING and not FALL! Here are a few of the pictures I took of the plants in the yard coming back to life.


I think these are snow drops


I took the plastic cover off the Sage Box a few weeks ago. With the cover on it is doesn't completely die, just gets dry. I can use it when i take the cover off and I have been using it on pork tenderloins. Very yummy!

I hope everyone out there is stewland is doing well and tolerated the long winter well. I can't wait to be out there in the dirt, planting and harvesting everyday!

Last edited: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:09 pm

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Droopy wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:50 pm:

Congratulations on your spring. Your little helper is the cutest! Go out and enjoy yourself, and do remember to bring the camera. You know, to document that there's life after Winter, and to help us get through the next winter. *lol*


gardengater wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:46 pm:

Glad your spring has finally sprung. Good job on all those tomato plants. They look healthy.


glendann wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:17 pm:

You are starting to green up nicely.You will have lots of blooms before very long.Iogan is such a cutie out with his chalk.


Jewell _2009 wrote on Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:40 am:

The hillsides are looking like spring and soon your garden will be too. Great tomato crop you have started!


Netty wrote on Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:16 pm:

I'm glad spring has arrived for you. Winter was a long one, wasn't it? Your tomato's look great!

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