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A little bit of wildlife in the yard.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:21 pm

About a week ago I was walking through the kitchen, looked out the window and noticed a small doe eating below one of my bird feeders. We watched her for several minutes and then she walked away. She didn't run, but limped up the wooded path to the back of the property. About an hour later,when it was dark I looked out again and there were 2 of them. Both injured, the second one could barely stand and could not put her hind leg down on the ground at all. They both must have been hit by a car but managed to wander away. I was prepared the next night to call the Game Warden and report them if they came back. Both dear were injured and might have to be taken down, but they never returned.

When they both returned it was too dark to take a good picture. I tried and even was outside the front door trying but they came out too dark. the deer were very hungry and tame as well. I was outside on the steps about 20 feet from them and they didn't run off.

Well lets move onto the squirrels....We love to feed our little red crazy friends. As far as we can tell there are now 3 of them visiting us daily.

This is what happened to the feeder we were using this winter to feed the birds and the squirrels.

The feeder was totally demolished! So we went out and got a great new feeder that we attached to the tree. The smart squirrels figured out right away how to open the top and get the food. They even get right into it and eat and eat. one must have been too lazy though, it chewed a huge hole int he plexiglass front big enough for him to get through!

Here is one of the furry little guys helping himself to the birdseed on their feeder.

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Droopy wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:47 pm:

I love your furry friends. They're so cute, and smart too. Well, don't know about chewing through plexi glass, but... So sorry about the deer. I hope they recovered OK.


gardengater wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:43 pm:

Good photos of your wildlife, Gardenmama. I love watching them.


glendann wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:00 pm:

Your deer is so pretty.I hope they heal ok.Those squirrels really do mess up feeders.


Green_Numb wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:24 pm:

poor ol deer's...hope they got better..
i actually had a bad experience once seeing a small deer running across the land in front of my house. I could see it headed towards the road and i could also see a pickup coming down the road. I couldnt do anything since it was too far away but the lil deer did what i thought it might and ran across the road just as the truck neared it and wham! The sound was so loud i couldnt believe it. Me and my wife turned away just as it ran out due to not wanting to see it hit, we were hoping it would stop for a second before it ran across the road but sadly it didnt..
i could see the whole thing happening before it actually did...

nice brown squirrels you got there, i only see grey ones in my yard and last year one was making a nest in my willow oak that is still there. Not sure if it stayed long..

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