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Lots of hard work make the yard beautiful!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:30 pm

This past Saturday we did a lot of outdoor work. It wasn't too hot, just the perfect temperature to get things done. First thing my little Logan and I did was to get the tires ready to plant peas. I mixed a bag of compost with a bag of top soil and topped off each of the tires. Then in went the peas.

After we were done planting the peas it was on to the ....WEEDS! It was time to weed the flower beds. I started with just pulling weeds that were inside the beds and then realized that there was tons of weeds and grass growing up between the rocks that surround the beds. I ended up moving each rock and pulling all the weeds out. This took HOURS! I filled Logan's wagon and a large wheel barrow with weeds, dead plants and grass. It was so worth it.

After all the weeding I decided that the lawn around the flower beds needed to be mowed as well....Of course once the mower is started and going why stop? So I ended up mowing the entire lawn. Which was a good thing since it was a lot longer then I thought it was. But Boy is it good to see it looking so nice. AND it is so much better then seeing FEET of SNOW!

The hyacinthes are opened and they are so gorgeous!

The next pictures are a series of pictures showing the progression of the tulips and daffodil garden. The tulips are OPENED and are SOOOO gorgeous! The color is my favorite.

The squirrels were really active on Saturday. All 3 of the red squirrels were out at the same time and it sounded like WAR! They were all screeching at one another and protecting "their" personal feeder. we only have 2 squirrel feeders so one ended up eating off the floor. they are such funny creatures. We must have watched them go at it for 30 minutes. They they yell at us! It is so funny. I scream back, " you better not yell at me or i will take your food away!"

The above squirrel would not leave that feeder alone! He was very upset when the other two were even on the same tree.

We had a beautiful yellow visitor on the new feeder. This Goldfinch was perfectly happy to eat while I took him picture.

Today i decided to cut some of the gorgeous tulips and daffodils. The rain is coming and they probably will get destroyed.

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gardengater wrote on Tue May 05, 2009 5:05 pm:

You've got everything looking so good, Michelle. I enjoyed seeing the spring flowers and those comical squirrels. I'm sure you're enjoying the weather.


toni wrote on Tue May 05, 2009 5:07 pm:

Looking very good Michele all that work was well done.
Is that a bench with the Angel and the tulips or do you place a potted plant there?

Don't forget to post photos when those garden areas in the first picture are filled out with plants.

smiles4sunshine54 wrote on Tue May 05, 2009 5:20 pm:

Very nice blog and pics! Your garden looks great, I bet you feel happy that you did all that work! It was certainly worth it, from where I'm sitting!


kuntrygal wrote on Tue May 05, 2009 10:34 pm:

Looking great Michele.Yard and garden so nice, and the squirrels are so cute to watch.


Sjoerd wrote on Tue May 05, 2009 11:36 pm:

Whew!...Yhat was alot of work. It all looks so good and tidy.
The flowers are beautiful and the bouquet looks so cozy in that vase.
I am happy for you that all that snow has finally melted-away.
Looks like you are off to a good start.


Netty wrote on Wed May 06, 2009 12:35 am:

Looking good! I can almost smell those Hyacinths from here!


Green_Numb wrote on Wed May 06, 2009 12:54 pm:

its such a reward isnt it when u get out there and get stuff done like you have. I alway love when i can get progress done in the yard..

Nice pics of the flowers and the squizzles! That yellow bird is really nice too...


petunia wrote on Wed May 06, 2009 1:05 pm:

Your yard and flowers are so beautiful. Green is much more pretty to look at then white I think also. I like your little angel garden too.

cuatro-gatos wrote on Thu May 07, 2009 4:15 pm:

How did you have the energy to post your blog? All your hard work really paid off. Everything looks great! What is the red multch? Very attractive. That one shot of the squirl with his head out of the feeder is quite cute.

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