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Too hot to move...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:46 pm

We ventured out at 9am this was already over 80 and the humidity unbearable. But with things we needed to do we had to go out.

I had given up half of my veggie patch so that we could grass it and build a play area for my son. This morning we pulled the tiller to the garden area and tilled up the soil on what will soon be grass. We filled buckets and a trash can with dirt and filled all 40 of the tires in the garden. That was hot and tiring work. Every few minutes we had to take a break and head for the shady tree. Finally all the tires are filled and next weekend I will be putting in the tomatoes I started from seed. They are really enjoying being in the hot box in the driveway. Getting baked by the sun they have grown quite a bit already.

After the filling of the tires we had a nice break indoors and then ventured back out. I moved some Liatris, a Hosta and the Clementis and we raked down the area. The grass seed has been sowed and the area roped off. Now we wait and see if it grows.

The Clementis I moved we thought had died last year. When I bought it, it was gorgeous. But by the end of the summer wilt had claimed it and it appeared to be dead. But it came back and is bigger already then it was last year when I bought it. I moved it to climb the arbor that will be the entrance to play yard.

We are in for the day. It is over 90 and very humid and no breeze to speak of today.

Everyone have a great day.

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Droopy wrote on Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:00 pm:

You do get a lot done despite of the heat. I'm impressed! Since I nearly die at around 77 deg F/25 deg C I would be useless in your heat and humidity.


CritterPainter wrote on Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:47 pm:

All these posts about how it's so hot... ya know that line from "of mice and men"..."tell me again about the rabbit's George"... anyways
We just had a bunch of snow up in the passes!


gardenmama wrote on Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:00 am:

We complain all winter about the cold and then when the heat comes we can't bear it! Only 6 weeks ago we had 4 feet of snow! when it gets hot here it gets hot!

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