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A year later and the WINDS RETURN...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:18 pm

Last night we were visited once again with HUGE winds. This time we were home and experienced it all first hand. Around 5pm last night we heard the winds picking up. We could hear small branches brushing up against the house. The around an half an hour later I looked outside and noticed my arbor was leaning, then saw that the swingset had been THROWN into it! we went outside to stop things from blowing around and while we were out there, a panel of the trellis blew off and nearly hit me and Logan. Then a few minutes later a HGUE gust came through and blew it completely apart, cracking it off at the base. The little green houses were blown all over.

This is the trellis before it was totally destroyed.

The panel that nearly hit me and Logan.

The trellis totally ripped off at the base and all the other debris.

Once we decided it was time to go in I noticed that there were branches on the roof of the apartment...Well not just branches a HUGE part of a yellow birch. No damage, just a lot of work needing to come up this weekend.

We were lucky that the power just went of quick and came back on.

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toni wrote on Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:47 pm:

Wow, so glad to hear neither of you were hurt by flying trellis parts. And no major damages.

Horrible to have to sit in the house and listen to things being ripped apart and banging into the house or car.


eileen wrote on Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:44 pm:

What a pity your trellis and little greenhouses were damaged and blown about. Thankfully no damage has been done to either the house or any of you though. I hope that's the last you see of those winds for a while.


gardengater wrote on Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:13 pm:

So sorry you had damage like that, but glad it wasn't worse. Where do those winds come from. We have them here on the coast, but Vermont? Glad you and your apartment are intact.


gardenmama wrote on Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:15 pm:

Those winds came from the midwest..the weather was bad there over the weekend and just headed our way.


Droopy wrote on Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:35 pm:

I'm so sorry for your lovely trellis and the extra work you'll have with tidying everything up. I'm very glad none of you were hurt and that no damage was done to the house.


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:43 pm:

What a surprize--I had no idea that you guys got such wind storms there. It must have been remarkable to have blown-over the swing set!
I am sorry to hear about your trellis. Will you be able to salvage that?
Hang in there, G'mama...I hope that you get everything cleaned-up in the wekend and things repaired that can be repaired.


daisybeans wrote on Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:34 am:

My heavens, what a terrible experience. I am glad no one was injured. You were smart to go inside and let it do its' thing. Gosh, sorry about your trellis.

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