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Lots of hard work....the garden is finally all planted!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:39 pm

We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend...FINALLY! So out the door I went at 8am on Saturday, and headed right to the garden patch. First on the list was to till the dirt portion of the garden, so that I could smooth it out and place more black plastic and tires. After the tilling was done my honey and I laid down the plastic, placed tires on and strategically placed bricks to prevent the plastic from blowing up. Afterwards it was finally time to bring out all the tomato plants from the sun porch. While I was moving plants out and planting them in the tires I made a great discovery....3 cherry tomatoes growing already! WHOO HOO! I couldn't believe it!

After a lot of bending and walking to and from the house all 34 tomato plants were in the ground and looking happy. I have never had such success starting my tomato plants. All the plants took great and a few are over 3 FEET TALL!!! WOW

You will notice if you followed my blog last summer that the entire garden is now on plastic and planted in tires. Hopefully the weed problem is long gone! I have decided not to plant pumpkins this year. They take over everything! There wasn't a single place last fall that I could walk without walking on pumpkin vines. So my honey is going to let me buy as many as I want this fall! Next year we may have a load of manure delivered on our back hill and plant them there. We shall see.

Peas are growing nicely.

Hot peppers in the tire.

The tinman has reported back to work!

On Saturday my brother came after lunch and helped cut up the tree that had fallen on the apartment. we also cut down one of the other trees sharing the same trunk.

My bearded irises are in bloom! and are gorgeous!

Last edited: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:40 pm

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toni wrote on Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:51 pm:

That was a lot of work but everything looks so orderly and ready to produce good food.

Don't forget to post pictures during the growing season, especially when the vegies start ripening.


flowerbudfall wrote on Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:22 pm:

*whistle* Way to go gardenmama!


glendann wrote on Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:37 am:

I'm glad you got it all planted.I wish you the best of luck and happy growing.
Your iris is so very pretty.

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