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Lots of humid weather and rian makes the garden grow.

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:05 pm

During the past 2-3 weeks I can say that there has been MAYBE 2-3 relaly nice summer days. Most of the days have been cloudy, humid and rainy. Last Thursday before I left town for the 4th of July weekend I took some pictures of the garden and flower progress. The Clemitis are gorgeous, the day lilies are in bloom and HOW DOES MY GARDEN GROW? The answer to that is very very fast. On Thursday morning of this week I did get a chance to get out into the garden (since the past few days was nothing but wet and one storm after the other) and spray some fungicide on all the plants to hopefully prevent fungus growth int he wet conditions. All the tomato plants are looking great. I have tons of growing tomatoes and flowers..and soon will be picking the first one. I think it might be a paste roma.

Here are some pictures from last weeks garden. I took new ones last night but have not uploaded them and do not have the camera with me at the moment. So that means that i will have to do another blog this weekend!

The family went to Connecticut last weekend to celebrate the 4th of July holiday with family. I took some amazing pictures at the fireworks that night. These were the best fireworks that I have ever seen. My camera has a setting for them and I got some amazing shots!

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Jewell2009 wrote on Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:54 pm:

Wow! Great fireworks pictures. Looks like things are popping in the garden also. Cute little boy. Is he your grandboy?


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:00 am:

Remarkable fireworks fotos alright!
Your garden is indeed looking quite good.
The Clematis is looking very pretty.


kuntrygal wrote on Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:25 am:

Michele you garden is really growing. Wish you could send some of the rainy weather to east Texas! Love the fireworks. Great shots.

shannonrose wrote on Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:53 am:

Nice pics I like the way you recycled the tires into raised beds. Does this system work well?


lulu1107 wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:00 pm:

R-A-I-N is not a four-letter word to us long as we have the fungicide!


gardengater wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:00 pm:

Nice start on your garden, Michele. Your son is getting so grown up. Bet he loved those fireworks!

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