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Starting to harvest!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:22 pm

Things are starting to slow down here...and I am spending more time in the yard and garden. Berries are coming by the bowl full, zucchinis are coming and coming...and tomatoes are growing and turning. We have still had a lot of rain and I was in the garden for an hour the other day trimming off A LOT of leaves. I pulled off a 5 gallon pail full of spotted and yellowing leaves. I sprayed the plants and everyone looks pretty healthy now.

This super cherry is over 6 feet tall..and growing rapidly.

All the rain and the heat have burst my sunflowers...they are so pretty and are all at different stages. I should have sunflowers until fall.

Here is the tinman hard at work.

I have been harvesting peppers, tomatoes and zucchini...

This puppy is 5 months old and I call her a miracle worker. Until our neighbor got her Logan was terrified of he wants a puppy. This is Riley, a lab mix.

Summer arrived this week and it was HOT HOT HOT. We finally pulled out the sprinkler and Logan enjoyed.

Logan's birthday is today...Happy 6th Birthday Logan. His party is Sunday and we are heading to the local beach. Logan wanted a pinata but I really didn't want to spend over $20 on something that we will destroy. So we made one! I used an brown shopping bag with a handle and made an pull away bottom. We decorated it with Thomas the Tank stickers and ribbons. One of the ribbons pulls the bottom away! All the candy will fall out.

Last edited: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:26 pm

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Jewell2009 wrote on Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:35 pm:

The garden is looking lovely. I especially like your canned scare crow man :) Clever idea for the pinata.


glendann wrote on Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:17 pm:

Happy Birthday Logan.What a neat pinata.
Your harvest is doing great.


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:24 pm:

I really enjoy looking at your fotos here.

Ah, but where tobegin---well, by the toms, I guess.
Those toms are going great guns aren't they? It's just one success after another I see. You may have had a slow start thanks to the weather, but you will finish with a BANG!...that's for sure. What about that super cherry-->6 ft. already.

Your sunflowers are looking good. Mine are very slow. Only two are blooming at the moment. Hats off to you.

The Tin Man is look very fact he just gets better looking all the time.

The veg and fruit pics I especially liked seeing. Those blueberries are big ones, aren't they? Mahvelous.

The birthday boy looks like he's having a ball.

I hope that you will have the time to show more pics now.

Good t'seeyah.


gardengater wrote on Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:04 pm:

Your garden really blossomed, didn't it? Good for you. Your tomatoes are amazing.
I'm sure Logan enjoyed that creative pinata and the beach. Happy birthday to him!


daisybeans wrote on Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:40 pm:

What a nice blog entry to see! I see how you keep your tomatoes trimmed quite a bit more than I do.... hmmm... I am learning all the time... your veggie "arrangements" on the table there look artistic and deeee-lish... Happy Birthday to Logan! Six is a wonderful age! And I love that pinata idea -- I may have to swipe it for special occasions for my kids at school this year. Did you make the TinCanMan? What is that pretty orange flower called?


lulu1107 wrote on Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:22 am:

Absolutely inspiring pictures! Enjoy the bounty! Happy Birthday, Logan!!!!!


Droopy wrote on Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:06 am:

Oh, lovely crops to be, and looking so good too. I'd love to see your Logan's face when he went for your pinata. You're so inventive. Happy belated birthday to Logan.

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