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gardening, building and birthdays Oh my!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:01 pm

The garden is coming along quite nice. We got a lot of rain on Sunday but for most of last week it was dry and the garden got to dry out a bit and do some growing.

Here are the cukes. With all the rain and the heat they have really taken off.

FINALLY an eggplant flower. I hope I have enough of the summer left to pick a few. I had no idea the flowers were purple!

Hungarian Wax Peppers are getting close to getting picked. They haven't thrived like my other pepper plants but I have tons of the other varieties!

The string beans are finally flowering and in thei picture you can also see a tiny bean!

On Saturday night my honey decided we should have a fire and that means S"MORES! I had some huge marshmellows left over from a visit to memorial day so I started a huge fire and we made amazingly yummy s'mores.

Michael has been doing a bit of building and he made this windmill and it is mounted on one of the honeysuckle (formerly rose) trellis'.

On Sunday we had Logan's birthday party at Groton State Park and Lake. Rain or shine i decided to go, and of course there was more rain then shine. But the kids didn't care. Since not very many people were there the covered pavilion was available so we set up his party under there and the canopy tent at the beach. We stayed dry and the kids had a great time. We stayed until about 2:30 when it really started to come down.

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cajunbelle wrote on Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:16 pm:

The birthday boy looks like he had a blast and he is getting so big.

Everything looks great, especially that windmill, directions pretty please, I have some fan blades in the shed waiting to be made into something.


glendann wrote on Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:19 pm:

Your veggies are coming along great.I'm glad the party was fun even if it was raining.Eggplants grow really well in cool weather as long as no frost.


Droopy wrote on Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:59 pm:

Such a big boy he is. How time flies, eh? Your garden looks great. I hope you remember to taste test often. :)


Sjoerd wrote on Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:03 am:

Another round of nice fotos to see how things are going there. Your veg pics were of copurse of great interest to me, but the smore thing....I've never heard of that. What kind of bikkie do you use to put the marshmellow in-between?
That lad looks like he is having fun.


lulu1107 wrote on Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:35 pm:

The photos are exquisite and that s'more does look tempting! I'm familiar with the ones that are made with a roasted marshmallow, piece of Hershey bar and two graham crackers. Once, during our apartment days, my kids and I roasted mini marshmallows on thin pretzel sticks over a candle fire!! I still look fondly back at that after 10 plus years. You will, too and you've got lots of great photos to jog the memories!!!

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