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Summer is FINALLY hot hot!!!!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:21 pm

We have been waiting and waiting for summer to REALLY show up....It has been a mostly cool and rainy summer with a nice day here and there thrown in for a tease! However this week, well since Thursday it has been DRY and HOT! My son and I have been spending quite a lot of time at the lake in Groton. We went on Monday, Wednesday (it ended up pouring), Friday and saturday. He loves to swim around in his blue tube. He isn't afraid of the water this year. He doesn't know how to swim but isn't afraid to paddle around in his tube. the beach was packed for the first time this summer. We have been going and maybe 25-30 people. there had to have been several hundreds if not low 1000's. there was no parking available in the afternoon and cars were parking on the road.

The garden is doing great and I am doing some amazing cooking..this week I made an amazing roasted garlic and fresh basil pizza..Best pizza I have ever made. I use my pizza stone on my gas grill. Comes out like a good brick oven pizza. Then the next night I picked, peppers, onions, a zucchini and bought and eggplant..I made what i call a deconstructed ratatouille. Basically it isn't a stew. I grilled everything, cut it up into cubes...roasted some garlic and onions and served it on a fresh basil flavoured couscous.... FABULOUS!

For about a week all I had on my zucchini was male flowers and then about a week after a good fertilizing I have 13 on 4 plants and more careful what you wish for! The cukes are coming slowly but about 2 a day and they are so yummy. I planted straight 8's this year and they are sweet and not bitter like pickling cukes. I have a new favorite! Blueberries are not in huge abundance but they are BIG! The one pictured below is just about as big as a quarter (25 cent piece)!

Finally a growing eggplant! and there are several others starting! WHOO HOO

We are all heading to York Beach Maine tomorrow. My husband took the day off. We are meeting my best friend Jessica there with her kids for the day. I can't wait! SUN SUN SUNS and surf surf! See you all later! Bye!

Last edited: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:23 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 345 times
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eileen wrote on Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:16 pm:

It's great to hear that summer has arrived for you at last. You certainly seem to be making the most of it and why not? Our summer, here in Scotland, appears to be over as we now have rain and gale force winds. Oh well there's always next year I suppose.


gardengater wrote on Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:04 pm:

It all sounds so delicious, GM. Those blueberries are incredible! Good going!


Sjoerd wrote on Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:46 pm:

What a fun day that looked to be...and all the veg! You take some great fotos. I sure do enjoy seeing them.

Have fun tomorrow over in Maine


lulu1107 wrote on Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:54 pm:

GM, your culinary exploits are making me hungry! I have made a similar pizza from my garden goodies, but I'll bet the method you used is incredible! There's nothing better than a great day with family, topped off with some deeelish food!

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