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The garden is nearly past...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:14 pm

This summer has been a big let down. The weather never fully cooperated for me then a day or two at a time. too much rain and not enough dry days. I can't fully complain I didn't get early blight like a lot of people in the area but my plants were not the best looking. For the past 3 weeks I have been picking a lot of tomatoes and cooking them down with peppers from the garden. I have made several wonderful batches of tomato base which makes a great sauce with the addition of tomato paste or add some fresh veggies and it is a great soup..

I spent most of Monday morning, (us labor day) pulling out the 30 spent tomato plants, all the cukes, string beans and some other things. All that is left is zucchini, eggplant and some hot peppers and a handful of tomato plants.

The nights were too cold for a lot of the tomato plants and the cukes so that is why I pulled all the cukes. I have a few trays of tomatoes ripening in the sun porch and I have a huge bag of green tomatoes that a friend is making into relish.

The sunflowers are still gorgeous and blooming with plenty more coming along.

My honey made a nice table to have by the fire pit. When we bought the house 4 years ago we found a nice piece of pink marble or granite (don't know which) in the garage. The long time owner had worked at one of the Quarries in the Barre VT area and brought lots of mistakes etc home. This one happened to be a large grave marker...Sooo the slab has been sitting around and finally Michael made a table out of it.

On Saturday my dear friend Tami got married and my honey and son went with me to the wedding. It was a lovely sunny day and a wonderful wedding and after party. All us girls from high school that were in a group together all sat together and took the bride away for a few pictures. The picture of us all together is taken in the same exact order as a year book photo was taken back in 1989! It was a great day.

Me and my family

Me and my friend Tami, the gorgeous bride

All the girls...20 years later and better friends then ever.

We are once again trying to prevent the skunk from getting underneath the in law apartment. My honey spent Sunday afternoon digging a 12 inch deep and wide trench, lining it with fencing and then back filling. Hopefully this will work!

After the wedding on Saturday we went back to my brothers house where several other friends joined us with their kids. We had a great bonfire with S'mores! An over all great day!

Last edited: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:52 pm

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toni wrote on Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:00 pm:

The end of season veggies look tasty, especially that stew pot filled with goodies. Did that become a soup?

Good luck with the skunk prevention.
It's so nice to see high school friends that stay together, you all look ver lovely and happy.

The little table is great, I love the rustic look.


kuntrygal wrote on Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:47 pm:

The vegies look delish!
I'm looking forward to weather cool enough to make a big pot of soup!

Your table is so unique. I really like it.

It is so nice that you and your friends have stayed close through the years. People you know will be there for you, come what may.

Thanks Michelle for sharing your day.


glendann wrote on Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:18 pm:

The veggies look so wonderful.I have had very few veggies this year.They didn't do very good for many people.No rain and the heat killed them off.
Your friend and you look so happy.I'm glad a great time was had by all.
I hope you ended the skunk from under the house.
I would love a little table like that.


Sjoerd wrote on Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:31 pm:

Really good to hear from you Miuchelle. I see things there are winding - down like here.
We do the same things with toms, I see. :-)

That red 'n yellow sunflower is a pretty one.

It loooks like the wedding was fun for all. And the way that your man made the under part of the house "skunk-proof" looks good to me. It's the same way that I dig-in fencing to keep the rabbits out of my plots.

Anyway, welcome back. Have a good rest of the fall.


lulu1107 wrote on Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:55 am:

Sounds like you and I did about the same thing on Labor Day!. I, too have some additional tomatoes that actually came up on their own later, so I transplanted them. Here in z7 we MIGHT be able to nurse along a crop before it's too late. Otherwise, the veggies were plentiful enough, but the tomatoes didn't taste as rich as I think they'd have tasted with less water and more hot days. I was very impressed with your garden info and pics from this season and I know I'm not the only one!....So don't let that gardener's guilt creep in! How about planting a few containers of lettuce to keep that garden going a bit longer? I just read that you can do that with mustard greens and just harvest them young.

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