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modern day plague - terrorism

Category: thoughts & plans | Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:36 am

what is happening to our beautiful world? we in india are tensed because of the terrorist attack going on for the third day in mumbai. though we are far off, we feel so bad and helpless about the whole situation. what do they want? why do they hurt people? a lot of questions which may not get an answer at all. we are still waiting for the operations to end.

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Sjoerd wrote on Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:13 pm:

Having visited your country several times, including Mumbai...I feel very sad at this great tragedy that has taken place there and is continuing to play itself out.
As you say, the general public may never get answers to those questions, but answers or no answers what has happened is an immoral and shameful act and not carried out by any being who would call himself a human being.--not by my defination of someone with humanity.

My heart goes out to you and your countrymen there during these excrutiating days and the ones to come.


Frank wrote on Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:51 pm:

It's very sad news, I hope it comes to an end soon.


glendann wrote on Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:58 pm:

It wasn't very long ago we were asking the same question.There no reason just horrorable people,that have no thoughts of other human beings.I'm sad for you and your country.


greenfairy wrote on Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:09 am:

thank you so very much for the support and concern. it has come to an end now, with a lot of people dead, and a lot of damage done. i hope they will find a way to give more security to the common man, who is always the loser. it is rather sad with all the modern intelligence devices around, we are not able to have any means of knowing about the disaster until it is struck. but our armed forces have done a very good job, hats off to them.
thank you again.


Droopy wrote on Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:54 am:

I've been following the development. I'm glad it's over now. *hugs*


bunkie wrote on Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:56 pm:

i'm sending you and all there hugs too greenfairy. may we all find a way to live in peace, and soon, very soon!

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