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new plans

Category: thoughts & plans | Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:25 am

it seems a long time since i wrote. christmas & new year festivities are over, now back to normal. our son left after his vacation. he has entrusted us with a new job for this year - finding a girl for him. it is really tough since my husband an i found each other. many of you may not understand this in the west this custom we have in india. ok, so we have started looking seriously, but i believe in the law of the universe that everything falls into place at the right time. so no worry.
most of my plants are doing well, since we don't have any winter here. it is becoming warmer now.
i will put in some pictures from our trip to wayanad, kerala. it is a hill station, with wild life and forests. there are coffee and tea estates is also developing as a tourist attraction these days.

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Droopy wrote on Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:28 am:

Good to see you, greenfairy. Good luck with finding your son a bride. I should think that's not an easy task.

Only two of your photos are showing up, the other three comes back as "deleted" when I click the links. Can you please try and post them again? I'd love to see your photos.


Frank wrote on Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:02 pm:

Hi Greenfairy I fixed your images but the links were not working so we are stuck with the smaller versions of the images unfortunately, But I like what I see :)

Best of luck for your son.


Sjoerd wrote on Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:24 pm:

Thank you for showing these lovely fotos. I have not been to that hill station so I would like to see some street scenes of the town there...or is it a district rather than a town, per se?
Did you take any fotos of Wayanad, by any chance?
The pics that you show looks like an interesting place to walk to me.


Droopy wrote on Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:23 pm:

I can see the photos now, and that place looks delightful! Thank you for sharing it.


greenfairy wrote on Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:08 am:

thanks. Wayanad is a district which has karnataka and tamil nadu as borders. the place is close to ooty & mysore. there are lots of trkking trails. some of the towns are mananthavady(that's my place), sulthan batheri, kalpatta. it is about 120kms from calicut, if you know the place. there is this website:
most of the info you can get there. so see you some time, sjoerd.


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:27 pm:

You never know, Greenfairy.
I went and had a look at the website.
I wish that I could say that I had been there, but I do not think that I have been. I shall dig out my travel journals and look though.
One thing that I recall most vividly is the so-called "backwater"ares.I made a few trips and found the scenery simply breathtaking.
Some of the trips that I took were on ferrys which were actually for local people only.The boat drivers and ticket sellers didn't want to let me on and once on didn't want to let me off back in the villages,but I would get off and then catch the next ferry and go to the next village and get off there, etc,etc.I think that the gentle men that sold the tickets thought that I was making a mistake and wanted to keep me from "wasting my money" or something.
In the villages,I think that our faces were the first europeans that some of the folk had ever seen in person.We were followed everywhere by large groups of people.There was unforgetable hospitality.


greenfairy wrote on Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:53 am:

well, Sjoerd, you were in the southern districts of kerala. wayanad is in the north. back waters have no place here. this is about 3000ft high from the sea level, with dense (used to have) forests. like i said, close to the neighbouring states of karnataka & tamilnadu. do make a visit, it is worth it.


Sjoerd wrote on Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:15 am:

Thanks Greenfairy. I am getting an idea now where that is.
I have indeed been to tamilnadu and karnataka though. I can recall working our way up from the tip as far as Calicut then over to Mysore...and from there we went to Mangalore and then inland. What an interesting trip that one was.


greenfairy wrote on Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:33 am:

that's great Sjoerd. we are in Mangalore. do make another trip, so that we can meet.greenfairy

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