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Category: nature's marvels | Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:55 am

i am so sorry to report about the caterpillar of last week. one morning i found the pupa transparent, it was not broken at all. the next day, the shell also had vanished. what would have happened? i felt very sad and disappointed. well, it is also one of nature's ways, i believe.

i am starting a small experiment on vegetables. must see. some beans, some greens.
let me see how it comes out. i get a lot of pests, for which i normally use neem oil. but sometimes it doesn't make any difference. i do not want to use any chemical pesticides if i can.

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eileen wrote on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:45 am:

If the pupa was transparent greenfairy I think your caterpiller must have left and turned into either a moth or a butterfly. I found a dragonfly pupa in the same condition - no sign of a break but the occupant had gone.

Good luck with those veggies.


Sjoerd wrote on Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:31 am:

Well, what a shame that you didn't get to see that moth emerging (if it wasn't eaten, that is)...but as you said, it is the way of nature sometimes.
Anyway, it's interesting to hear that you are planning to try your hand at veg growing.
It sounds like you are making a good start. I am very keen to hear of your progress.


daisybeans wrote on Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:51 am:

Aw. That would have been great to see. But I guess we're not meant to know how everything turns out, as you say. Good luck with your beans -n- greens...


greenfairy wrote on Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:58 am:

thank you for the support. there is always something new to see in the garden. next time with a new report, i will get back.

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