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cats & dogs

Category: thoughts & plans | Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:49 am

can someone tell me how to keep the cats & dogs out of my garden & lawn? it is becoming such a nuisense. last night there were 5 or 6 on the lawn. and it looks like it went through a hurricane. you know, i have a small tub with some guppies in the yard. i used to keep it closed with a net because i had seen stray dogs come to drink water from that tub. it was left open last night, and this morning i find the rim of the tub has been chewed off. and there are so many cats who want to come into the house. one was inspecting my fish tub this morning, so i have to keep it closed again the whole time.
i don't mind cats & dogs, but i don't like them making a mess. they jump the compound wall, sqeeze in through the gate, any way it can, it gets in.
ok, enough of complaints.
i found thid gorgeous flower yesterday, i do not know the name, the plant has long leaves, lots of thorns, flower stays only for a day.

( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

chilly - one and only ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

from the garden - into the house ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

fittonia ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

azelia - rare ones here ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

begonia ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

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Sjoerd wrote on Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:38 am:

Very irritating those loose dogs. I can remember when I was travelling in India and would arrive somewhere at 04.00 on the train and step out into the streets. There were no touts, but when I got beyond the light's perimeter, there were the stray dogs to contend with as I walked the dark streetsd in search of a hotel. It was a challenge and I kept a stick at the ready.

What lovely plants you have to show this time. That solitary pepper looks quite attractive.


SongofJoy57 wrote on Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:48 pm:

Wow! What gorgeous flowers and plants you have.

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