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Category: nature's marvels | Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:28 am

yes, finally, i was able to see one caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
not a very good shot though.

on the wall of the well ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

two more, birds didn't see them ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

just emerged ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

resting ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

there! ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

there are weird cats too, it seems this one is of a moth, because i saw an odd shape the other day on a twig, when i tried to move it, it fell down with the wings and all, it was a baby moth.

a hefty caterpillar ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

everything is beautiful! ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

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Sjoerd wrote on Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:47 am:

What a tremendously interesting set of pictures...with commentary as well.

Those butterflies look quite pretty. I think that you did capture them quite well.

That peculiar caterpiller is also interesting in an funny sort of way. It's camoflage is very good.

Say, when that baby moth fell down to the ground when you tried moving it--were the wings still bubbled up with fluid?

Anyway, GF--therse are vrey good pics and I enjoyed seeing them very much.

carolyn keiper wrote on Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:32 am:

Glad to see you got to catch that. this is such a "moment in time" that most people don't get to catch. So interesting, it's almost like watching and waiting on an to egg hatch.


greenfairy wrote on Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:04 pm:

yes, it was very interesting. thanks sjoerd & carolyn. that moth, it was looking like a twig only with dark triangular shape. i couldn't see it properly, but i don't think it had any fluid there, it was like turned wrong-side out. this was the first of the two to emerge (2nd pic). second one was too smart, by the time i came out with the camera, it flew off to the neighbour's wall - too far and too high for me to take a shot.


toni wrote on Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:35 pm:

What a great series of photos. A beautiful moth too and the caterpillar is so weird it's really cute.

Glad you were there at the right time.


Miss Liberty wrote on Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:10 am:

That caterpillar is absolutely fascinating to me. Thanks for posting the pictures. It's wonderful to see little creatures from another garden far far away.

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