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Category: nature's marvels | Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:27 am

i had to write today. i had been waiting for this plant to show some life for a long time. it took some patience, really. nearly a year ago i got this water lilly bulb, planted it in a pot. it gave a few leaves, then wilted and went off, i thought it was dead. there was a bulb so small, i planted it again with more soil , and lo, there were all these leaves in a month's time, and today the first bud has bloomed. i feel so happy. the pot is a little crowded. there is a big frog who refuses to go out and there are four fish i put in.

blooming at 8 in the morning. ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

a little crowded ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

a surprise, it came on its own. impatience ( photo / image / picture from greenfairy's Garden )

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eileen wrote on Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:39 am:

Isn't it wonderful when a plant flowers after such a long wait? Your waterlily is lovely and I hope that it goes on to produce more flowers for you.


Sjoerd wrote on Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:31 pm:

Lovely water lilies, GreenFairy. I always like yopur posts. Wasn't that little impatience a surprise? --pretty too.

I was wondering if mosquitos deposit eggs in your little lily container. I was in Indai one year and there was a very serious outbreak of Dengue Fever and the authorities were urging folks not to have containers of standing water. Is malaria and dengue fever a problem in your area?

These are diseases that one would not want to have. Be careful.


greenfairy wrote on Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:34 am:

thank you, frank, eileen & sjoerd. i do have the fear of mosquitoes in the pot, that's why i have put the guppies into it. and the frog:) malaria is there, but they are taking measures to prevent an outbreak. we have been fortunate in our immediate neighborhood, not much is heard about malaria.
thanks a lot.


kathyd wrote on Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:40 pm:

I have a small pond, but never a water lily, a few water hyacinth. Love the beautiful pink color.


greenfairy wrote on Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:38 am:

thanks kathy. yesterday, the frog was caught by crows, i think, while we were out. the pot was disturbed a lot with two of the leaves pulled out and the frog sad.


cherylad wrote on Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:01 pm:

Sorry to hear about the frog... but happy for you that the water lily finally bloomed. Isn't it a shame the flowers don't last longer?

treehugger wrote on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:45 pm:

How big is your container? Would love to have a water garden but dont want a huge water thing to keep up with here.


greenfairy wrote on Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:22 am:

the flowers last for three days, cherrylad. my container is 12" dia, 8" depth. it is small really. but the flowers keep coming, i feel really good.thanks, treehugger, u can try it out, it doesn't take a lot of space.

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